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  1. rubyjackass

    How Jindal Group landed mega iron ore deal in Afghanistan

    Man, this family loots both our countries. All four family players in the same consortium means another corruption scandal. Indian private companies are also good at underestimating yields for extra dirty money so Afghanistan would be wise to set up a watchdog.
  2. rubyjackass

    What do Indians think about it?

    Theoretically India can write itself another constitution. We have spent more years as a country with the word secular in constitution than without. Fine, It was political chicanery. But I disagree if you call this a bad addition. Glad to be corrected. I made the guess because you asked...
  3. rubyjackass

    What do Indians think about it?

    The connection holds perfectly. You simply hand wave that the constitution makes it quite clear that India is a secular country. Please find another single piece of clarity in the constitution than this word. It may be unnecessary but is a one more protection for the nature of our constitution...
  4. rubyjackass

    What do Indians think about it?

    A parallel example: Domestic violence is a crime even without the recent act against the crime because any violence is violation of people's liberties. But still the act was made. Same way Nirbhaya act was made. What was the necessity? Haters of the Congress see every action of Congress...
  5. rubyjackass

    Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

    BJP is not worried about the electorate to sideline Hindutva. It is the RSS strongmen they are afraid of. Without RSS BJP is a fizzle with no ground support. The leadership of RSS will never let BJP abandon Hindutva. They stick to their ideology no matter what, a trait otherwise desirable.
  6. rubyjackass

    A report in "The Hindu" on Pakistan & Jinnah in August,1947.Copy & Paste .

    He was not. Gandhi proposed the idea but Nehru vetoed it. Some people call it greed. I call it good sense.
  7. rubyjackass

    India may have 50 states if all demands for new states are met Source: htt

    With just 28 states and 2 self-proclaimed national parties, they cannot spend half the session time on useful discussion. Imagine what happens with 50 states.
  8. rubyjackass

    Imran to take Fazlur Rehman to court

    On topic, I thought Maulana Diesel already got exposed as Maulana gasoline after wikileaks. And why is IK so sensitive about being called things? Especially when the label is a favourite in Pakistan.
  9. rubyjackass

    Imran to take Fazlur Rehman to court

    ^^^ I did not get any thread suggestions when I typed Imran and Fazlurrehman. Please feel free to merge threads.
  10. rubyjackass

    Pakistan should have attacked India during the Sino-Indian War of 1962

    And India should have attacked Pakistan during 2010 floods, Kashmir earthquake, Afghan war and NOW?! And nuked Pakistan in 1974? Remember what happened in 1971, India got an unconditional surrender and still did not insist on Pakistan leaving J&K. Get a life haters!!
  11. rubyjackass

    Imran to take Fazlur Rehman to court

    IK's argument in court: :lol: Me Lord! How can he call me an jewish agent me lord? I publicly declare I need no vote from no Ahmedi and no Jew me lord. I show the world they only fit for convert them and marry them me lord!
  12. rubyjackass

    India's bad habit carried overseas

    @Skallagrim: That and the fact that it causes cancer. :P
  13. rubyjackass

    India's bad habit carried overseas

    India’s Bad Habit Carried Overseas - India Real Time - WSJ Excerpts:
  14. rubyjackass

    As US pulls out of Afghanistan, its weapons head for Pakistan

    Are there any reports from foreign newspapers saying the same?
  15. rubyjackass

    Wikipedia will go ‘secure’ to beat NSA surveillance

    It all comes to browsing habits. May be they assess a person's potential extremism by looking at the pages he visits. But it can obviously be used for anything by the guy who is in the room.
  16. rubyjackass

    Cultural invasion of Pakistan

    One reason(more an argument) I see is to deny them additional advertisement revenue those channels will earn. I guess the hawks convince the reasonable people also with reasons like this.
  17. rubyjackass

    Letters to KPK Administration prior to Attack on DI Khan

    In western countries the only way of escape is to dig a way out of a wall behind toilet with a spoon.:chilli:
  18. rubyjackass

    We will give terrorists the respect they want: Pervez Khattak - PTI ¬ CM

    If anyone other than a PTI guy said the line, it could only be sarcastically.
  19. rubyjackass

    Plan to import 150 foriegn locomotives dropped...local locomotives ordered!

    I guess Pakistan only asked for 50 locomotives on lease and Indian Railway refused. BHEL is a separate company from Indian Railway. So they can only make engines if they can be sold. And Pakistan might have wanted to first test these engines on lease before buying them. So Indian Railway is the...
  20. rubyjackass

    Division of Andhra Pradesh

    @danger007, @indushek : Lets us get back two years from now and discuss it again. What say?:)
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