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  1. rubyjackass

    South Asian Unity on Syria Policy

    He is going to Congress to make sure he won't be blamed later. Everyone knows Congress is more hawkish than the President.
  2. rubyjackass

    Sarah Palin: "Let Allah Sort It Out"

    Obama came to this. Now even Sarah Palin makes more sense than him.
  3. rubyjackass

    90 Days of PTI

    Well, they have all the government in KP. Why not do the same 90 day stunt(corruption or terrorism) there? IK did not even want to attend the APC on terrorism.
  4. rubyjackass

    India: Juvenile gets 3 years in reform home

    I read somewhere that this juvenile committed the worst of the acts on the girl, according to what she told the police before dying.
  5. rubyjackass

    90 Days of PTI

    My bad. This is the link I could google. Corruption should have ended in 19 days not 90. pti-will-end-corruption-in-19-days-terrorism-in-90-days-imran-khan
  6. rubyjackass

    Suggest good books

    Pakistan - A hard country is written for international audience. But you will be surprised how much you don't know about Pakistan and the sub continent and its societies.
  7. rubyjackass

    90 Days of PTI

    Hey I was just about to open a thread. The only proclaimed promise with 90 day time limit: No Corruption in 90 days.
  8. rubyjackass

    Only Congress's defeat in 2014 could save economy-CLSA

    The OP changed the headline of the article. Sorry I noticed it only later. Wood was only talking in terms of investor confidence. Still his analysis may be wrong in some places. For example, he somehow believes that RBI is the government's yes man(read the quotes of RBI governor going all out...
  9. rubyjackass

    Have Some Info About Muhammad Bin Qasim

    So the girls deserve admiration, I guess? They brought down their tormentor while dying. What a revenge! Read the full article. You need to examine your facts and some parts of your body. Firstly, was there Sufism in 700 AD? Secondly, as I already mentioned, why would the Shah of Iran send...
  10. rubyjackass

    Have Some Info About Muhammad Bin Qasim

    Authentic source does not mean we lap up everything(especially ridiculous ones) in the text. Same reason religious myths are not considered historical facts. There is a possibility that the narrative you mentioned is true. But even you have to agree that it sounds ridiculous. The Chachnama...
  11. rubyjackass

    Do We Really Need A Food Security Bill ?

    In our contempt for the petty politicians, there is the danger of overlooking genuine beneficiaries of the food security bill. But I agree about what is happening in many villages.
  12. rubyjackass

    Only Congress's defeat in 2014 could save economy-CLSA

    Pfft. Christopher Wood is no economist and no political analyst. He is a finance guy, yeah sure. But still, not an economist. Just look at the kind of headlines generated and the analysis inside.
  13. rubyjackass

    Only Congress's defeat in 2014 could save economy-CLSA

    WTH is CLSA and what does this Chris guy know more about India than us? Economic times proved that it is a Times group newspaper.
  14. rubyjackass

    Have Some Info About Muhammad Bin Qasim

    He was not killed for women, but because of rivalries between the Caliph and Bin Qasim's cousin Hajjaj. Hajjaj Bin Yusuf was actually a master strategist. He was the director of Bin Qasim's war. And Bin Qasim was at least 20 when he died. He did not conquer Sind in an instant. It took 3 years.
  15. rubyjackass

    Have Some Info About Muhammad Bin Qasim

    :rofl Man I couldn't stop laughing. FYI Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti was born in 12th century. He sent a letter to the Shah of Iran? And the Shah of Iran sent an Arabian Mohammad Bin Qasim? Please tell me you are being sarcastic. Say whatever BS you have to say. There was no Sufism in Islam in...
  16. rubyjackass

    Do We Really Need A Food Security Bill ?

    Who called Chetan Bhagat a communalist for opposing food security bill?:P The simple test of lop-sidedness of the food security bill is its limitation to 75% rural poor and 50% urban poor. With a fraction of the cost, couldn't the bill cover every Indian? The rich guys will not go for...
  17. rubyjackass


    A fatwa won't do. The constitution of Pakistan should declare them as non-Muslims. That is the only parallel.
  18. rubyjackass

    Harvard Genetics Study Explodes Myth of Hindu Racial Purity

    There was no such thing as Hinduism. It is the foreigners who branded the locals here as Hindus because they could not understand the diversity here. Then they fought the locals uniting them under the same name, Hinduism. The better of RSS people realize this and insist that all Indians...
  19. rubyjackass

    Over half of all Indians without electricity

    I am not proud of the statistics. I just gave the real data so that people won't fight over cooked up ones. No opinions. All the mumbo jumbo calculations for what? To prove that more or less than half of Indians do not have access to electricity? Even your calculations have a problem. Larger...
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