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  1. damiendehorn

    Indian Navy tackles Chinese maritime challenge in the Indian Ocean

    Supported AL government? Do you know anything about international relations? Chinese are pragmatic, they maintain close relations with Bangladesh regardless of which government is in power (unlike India), they know today it's the AL tomorrow it will be the BNP, but they are smart enough to...
  2. damiendehorn

    Indian Navy tackles Chinese maritime challenge in the Indian Ocean

    We have had india doing that to us for decades, we have learned to adapt and change. Now we are fully self sufficient in food production, it's your turn..:p: In the early years we use to suffer a lot from climatic conditions, during the wet seasons flooding and during the dry seasons drought...
  3. damiendehorn

    Indian Navy tackles Chinese maritime challenge in the Indian Ocean

    Use us...:omghaha:...na mate it called common interest. Enemy of my enemy...an all that.
  4. damiendehorn

    Indian Navy tackles Chinese maritime challenge in the Indian Ocean

    Thanks for agreeing, no need to be thankful to india...:-) Our natural friend is over the mountains...:china:
  5. damiendehorn

    Bangladesh Navy

    Why? What has the PN got to do with the BN? Bangladesh just has to build its armed forces according to its own national and strategic requirements.
  6. damiendehorn

    Indian Navy tackles Chinese maritime challenge in the Indian Ocean

    India jumped in at the last minute when it saw a strategic chance to divid the old pakistan, not because they had any love toward the people of Bangladesh.
  7. damiendehorn

    Some people's dislike of Pakistan support

    Simple "the enemy of my enemy".
  8. damiendehorn

    Bangladesh Navy

    Bangladesh would not consider buying indian equipment anytime soon, It's like asking india to buy Chinese defence equipment. 1. For the same price there is far better alternatives, either from the west, Russia or China. 2. The logical focus of any aggression is either from India or burma...
  9. damiendehorn

    India not 'Enemy' in Bangla Wargames

    Lol, India has always been the focus of threat and always will be. Does anyone think the army doctrine is going to change overnight? The military is far closer to China then it is to any other nation, in fact the army has closer links to the US, UK, Russia then it does to india. It's just a...
  10. damiendehorn

    Russia confirms Yak-130 sale to Bangladesh

    Was expecting this news, now looking forward to the selection of next generation fighter by 2017/18. Looks like it's gonna be either the MIG35, SU30 or J10a/b as front runners with a possible J31 if we delay purchase to 2020, when that fighter looks to be available. Ideally our long term...
  11. damiendehorn

    Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

    Obviously you don't have a clue about the pharma industries of Bangladesh, we don't get drugs through aid, 97% of the drugs used is made by our own companies. The 3% that is imported is patent protected.
  12. damiendehorn

    Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

    Good idea, when indian companies develop new drugs and other nations create generic copies and sell them abroad, hope you'll say the same.
  13. damiendehorn

    Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

    Imagine one of the major indian pharma companies actually developed a breakthrough drug, do you think they would allow western nations or other third world countries to make cheap generic copies or not wanting to do the same? The same Indians that are carping on about saving lives and the indian...
  14. damiendehorn

    Musalmani Bangla and its transformation

    Languages are never static, they evolve with time and distance. The English language is an example of that, the English spoken in the UK now is radically different from that spoken even 50 years back, and the English language that is spoken in the US, Australia, etc is different, and with time...
  15. damiendehorn

    Anti-India sentiment increasing in massive form

    So what your saying is it's ok to have external interference from India, but not ok from China. I am sure you'll know the answer from Bangladeshi's to that is, I think it's called the middle figure.
  16. damiendehorn

    Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China

    To all those Indians who think its a bad idea for Bangladesh to get subs...tough live with it...it's our money an we can buy what we want with it, Chinese, Korean or German. Others Relax they are only going to be 2 old training subs, we probably won't get anything offensive for at least...
  17. damiendehorn

    'Wagah of the East' eventalong India-Bangladeshborder

    Waste of time and resources. Who cares?
  18. damiendehorn

    Pragati tactical missile is Pragati ( Progress ) over Prahaar Missile : Offical

    What are you serious? Paint to distribute heat from a ballistic missile body, reducing heat signature! LOL...it's not April.
  19. damiendehorn

    Pragati tactical missile is Pragati ( Progress ) over Prahaar Missile : Offical

    What? You need to get out more often :-). What's the point of the camo on the missile? It's gonna be in canisters or zooming through the air, unlikely to be lined up in the open. Sales guy went a bit bonkers maybe.
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