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  1. damiendehorn

    India to press for rail, road transit

    OK since you seem quite sane, what's your out of the box proposal?
  2. damiendehorn

    China wants to boost Bangladesh economy

    Sane! Doubt it, even the india lovin Hasina jetted off to China to avoid having to be seen shaking hands with Adolf Modi. The west is yesterday's news, it's all Asia now, an the big kahuna in Asia is China, so STFU an learn to live with it. Our future is to the east an ASEAN nations, that's...
  3. damiendehorn

    China wants to boost Bangladesh economy

    Not much of a difference "grandad", there is huge distrust of india from it's regional neighbours. Now with a fascist right wing hindu leader in charge, this ain't gonna get any better.
  4. damiendehorn

    China wants to boost Bangladesh economy

    This coming from someone who thinks SAARC is anything but dead!!! LOL, a defunct organisation that's nothing but talk shop, with countries that vary from distrust to hate, I think you really need to check out a shrink! :undecided:
  5. damiendehorn

    China wants to boost Bangladesh economy

    Dead as in six foot under ground pushing up daisies! The last rights! As in Still Another Asswipe Regional Corpse! There is no need for it period.
  6. damiendehorn

    Khulna Ship Yard Ltd(KSY) is going to start building Durjory class stealth corvette this year

    Just the start, thanks for posting the news bro. Hopefully we'll also start work on building the type 56 corvettes here in Bangladesh, and allow the private yards like Western Marine, Ananda etc to bid for naval contracts.
  7. damiendehorn

    China wants to boost Bangladesh economy

    Still trying to hoist that dead Dhodho on us? You can keep SAARC, it was a crap idea from the start, none of the regional neighbours of india trust her. Glad to see the Bangladeshi government realising that only China has the funds and the tech to support our growth.
  8. damiendehorn

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    SAARC is dead, thank god. Don't waste your time to revive it, was a bad idea from the start. South Asian countries have very little in common and don't trust each other unlike Europe, so trying to create a fake EU equivalent in the sub continent was bound to fail. Let it fade away.
  9. damiendehorn

    Bhutan first stop for PM Narendra Modi, to visit US in September

    SAARC is dead as a Dhodho, let it die in peace. It was a bad idea in the first place and has no use what so ever. The idea of bringing SA nations closer together like the EU is stupid, we don't trust each other n have very little in common (and far more that separate us). Setup a SAARC fund...
  10. damiendehorn

    Deep Sea Port at Sonadia going to China.

    Let's look at the facts: A) This is a commercial project to create a massive deep water port, it's not a naval base (those are being built elsewhere). B) Bangladesh economy is about to take off in a major way, in a decade or so we are going to see Bangladesh become a major export lead economy...
  11. damiendehorn

    Bangladesh's Defence Budget 2014-2015

    To have a big defence budget you need a big economy in order to pay for it. We are first giving priority to growth, then we'll be able to afford a large defence budget. At the moment we just spend less the 1.3% of our GDP or $2bn on defence an still have an army of 300,000+. Our GDP is only...
  12. damiendehorn

    Western Marine Shipyard limited- a success and promising story of BD Shipyard Industry

    I have never liked politics and do not trust politicians from any of the major parties. True this government is more of a obstacle to the development of this sector and has never really had any interest in nation building, only helping themselves get rich at the expense of the nation and helping...
  13. damiendehorn

    Western Marine Shipyard limited- a success and promising story of BD Shipyard Industry

    There are distinct patterns in economic development, take countries like Korea who are now one of most industrialised and dynamic countries. They follow similar paths, first they are mostly agrarian (like Bangladesh still to an extent is) then they start to build specific niche export focused...
  14. damiendehorn

    Western Marine Shipyard limited- a success and promising story of BD Shipyard Industry

    Most of us have heard of Western Marine, Ananda, Khulna etc. but there are literally dozens of other smaller "second tier" ship builders in Bangladesh that are growing very fast and producing extremely cost effective vessels. A contributor over at skyscrappercity is compiling some info on a few...
  15. damiendehorn

    China's foreign exchange reserves near record $4 trillion

    China still has a lot more infrastructure investments to do in its hinterland, before it can invest significant amounts abroad. In the next 3-4 decades China will have some of the most advanced industrial capacity available.
  16. damiendehorn

    China's foreign exchange reserves near record $4 trillion

    Very unlikely, nations need access to cheap resources and produce goods and services that the world will buy at a fair price. In most industries the US has become uncompetitive. Britain had its time in the sun, when it ruled a vast empire and had access to cheap plentiful resources, then came...
  17. damiendehorn

    share of World GDP

    You can't compare. Their population is a fraction of what indias, however they essentially have the world largest natural resources per capita. Even more then the USA.
  18. damiendehorn

    Russia and China announce decoupling trade from US Dollar

    There has been a gradual shift away from dollar trades, the euro has come to prominence, as has reciprocal trades in local currencies. As the relative strength of the US economy begins to wane, the value of the dollar and it's status the worlds reserve currency will also fade. There is no...
  19. damiendehorn

    China wants Bangladesh ties on a new high

    It's always better to make what you need then importing it from others. Our priority is first to develop our economy, and an industrial base. China is our best route, through TOT, and investment they can help deliver what is needed and it is happening. We achieved our independence only...
  20. damiendehorn

    Hero MotoCorp makes Bangladesh debut

    Before opening that big mouth, try to learn some thing...The marketing strategy of two wheeler products in bangladesh There are already over a dozen players in the market, Runners and Walton (both Bangladeshi's) are the current market leaders. Hero are just joining a list that includes bajaj...
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