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  1. Adler

    The violent side of Sri Lankan Buddhism

    I am aware of it mate, as the discussion is about Militant Buddhism and Sinhalese Identity I quoted Buddhism. It is sad to see how we humans interpret and understand the enlightened ones and bring bad name to them.
  2. Adler

    The violent side of Sri Lankan Buddhism

    They say in Burma that Burma(Myanmar) is the Land of Dhamma and they are the chosen people of Buddha. In fact they also believe that the food Buddha has tasted after he got enlightenment is the Honey from Myanmar. I think every Buddhist country has some kind of story like this to justify their...
  3. Adler

    The violent side of Sri Lankan Buddhism

    We are witnessing "Clash of Civilizations" taking its form in each and every corner of the Earth as predicted by Samuel P. Huntington.
  4. Adler

    INS Arihant - Amazing 3D Model

    Nice models! :yahoo: Hope the original Arihant looks the same as depicted in the 3D model.
  5. Adler

    Number of different type of fighters in IAF

    I am just wondering what kind of presence does MIG has in Anglo-French Jaguars . Can somebody shed light on it?
  6. Adler

    Sisi's Egypt !

    For a while I was puzzled seeing the title "Sisi's Egypt" and was wondering about Austrain Empress Elisabeth's connection (nick named sisi) with Egypt. But when I saw the Pic, I understood that my knowledge about Egypt is a bit outdated regarding Latest Happenings.
  7. Adler

    Ashoka was no Shah Rukh Khan!

    It doesn't matter whether he is short or tall, white or dark skinned. What really matters is his transformation and his contribution to India. His transformation from "Asoka the chandaala" to "Asoka the buddha". His subjects literally hated him before he was a changed man for causing so much...
  8. Adler

    India, Dassault Rafale Deal Appears Stalled

    Why and How? :coffee:
  9. Adler

    Pakistani cultural dresses

    The guy dancing in ecstasy in the last pic looks like a sufi. Isn't he ?
  10. Adler

    India, Dassault Rafale Deal Appears Stalled

    Too many hiccups has become usual Business with the defense deals in India. I hope IAF has already got some kind of contingency plan to fill the gap in the operational capabilities of IAF, if Rafael is not able to enter service as planned :unsure:
  11. Adler


    such a Beautiful beast!
  12. Adler


    Happy Republic Day to all Indians on this forum. Arjun Mk II is the eye catcher in this year's parade.
  13. Adler

    Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

    @Indischer Never mind! Be safe where ever you are ;)
  14. Adler

    Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

    @Indischer Where are you based at in Germany? :-)
  15. Adler

    Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

    Nehru's misplaced sense of idealism over Kashmir and his naivete over China, has led to problems that is troubling us to this day. While his achievements were mainly in laying foundation for world-class institutes of higher learning, space program and in facilitating widespread use of English...
  16. Adler

    Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

    So, We are back to Nehru here :laugh: who is the real culprit. This series of documentary throws light on both INA and IA personal and the situations prevailing back then. part1
  17. Adler

    Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

    I agree with you buddy @vicky sen . The IA felt that the differences in opinion with regard to professional ethics and conduct may eventually lead to a Internal rebellion. That was a fear allayed by the army groomed by British to its political masters (GOI). I feel that this coincidence of...
  18. Adler

    Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

    When it comes to not to allow netaji's portrait in Army Institutions, the reason can be attributed to feared split in its cadre. Towards the end of second world war Indian Army got divided into two factions, one faithful to British and other working with Axis powers. At one point of time there...
  19. Adler

    Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

    Nice article. It is a open secret that Netaji has not been given due recognition that he actually deserved. Thank god! He was not at least defamed by Nehruvian government. People remember his sacrifices till this day despite of the efforts by this morons to downplay his contribution to Indian...
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