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  1. Star√ation

    Vietnam to sue Chinese company to get back coffee brand name

    Unless taking costume into account, I find an Arab and a Southern European are quite similar. Even with Indian, sometimes when I was watching an Indian movie or music clip, I just wondered: where are the heck all the Indians? Why are there just Westerners?
  2. Star√ation

    China's female bodyguards

    Do not tell me that you love to be gang-banged by NATO soldiers :lol:
  3. Star√ation

    Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan’s pro-China president, wins reelection

    China-Taiwan circumstance is just like South-North Korea or East-West Germany, it's just a temporarily political division. Unification is only the matter of time. But I can't see any clear prospect for the unification however, even with Ma's reelection. The Taiwanese people still seem to be very...
  4. Star√ation

    Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan’s pro-China president, wins reelection

  5. Star√ation

    Grestest Warrior of World - Genghis Khan

    It's quite interesting to see how Chinese adopt Genghis Khan and his legacy as China history. Whatever, I bet my lunch for "Genghis Khan" in that TV series would speak Mandarin.
  6. Star√ation

    Grestest Warrior of World - Genghis Khan

    Is this supposed to be a historical class?
  7. Star√ation

    China warns US on Asia military strategy

    China along with France were biggest jokes of the 20th century: - Outnumbered British: Chinese was turned to be drug addicts. - Outnumbered Eight-Nation Alliance: Beijing was captured. - Outnumbered Japanese: only hided far away the east coast could let Chinese alone without being massacred...
  8. Star√ation

    ABC News: China has a scary dragon stamp

    The Dragon is not bad at all. I don't see it scary but little bit too colorful.
  9. Star√ation

    China cut Iran oil import as sanctions mount

    So, what is your point, Mr.Aussie?
  10. Star√ation

    Philippines & China agree to hold regular talks on Spratlys

    Be careful, unless you gonna be banned for this clone account too, Mr. Aquino No.1. I used to laugh like hell reading your post. Please do not got banned.
  11. Star√ation

    South Korea President warns North Korea against Provaction

    It's said to hear about your grandparents. It's a part of war. My grandpa got caught and tortured too, by South Vietnam police ironically, only being released when my uncle came and rescue. The torture had severely damaged his health that caused him had to suffer so hard during his last years...
  12. Star√ation

    South Korea President warns North Korea against Provaction

    There was no slave owner in Vietnam. And Ho did not kick anyone out of Vietnam. One more, I don't find personal attack is fun. What is the matter with you when he is 40 or 400, married or unmarried. Is he your big brother or he supposes to be your father?
  13. Star√ation

    South Korea President warns North Korea against Provaction

    There are millions of foreign visitors to Vietnam every year and you keep yelling the name of one guy. It is "thấy sang bắt quàng làm họ", isn't it? Thanks for your answer. See that, I thought he was an American who have in-depth knowledge about Vietnam history and affair...
  14. Star√ation

    South Korea President warns North Korea against Provaction

    None of other traitors had the ability to bring Vietnam independence what we needed so desperately for. Only Ho did, that was the point. What was going on with the "UN trusteeship option proposed by the Americans"? Could it in effect bring independence to Vietnam? No one care the Americans...
  15. Star√ation

    South Korea President warns North Korea against Provaction

    Stop yelling about FB's CEO, only kids like you don't see it as a shame. Visiting Vietnam was just merely a trip for his holidays and you guys have your heart thumping like being visited by an Emperor. BTW, what's the matter with Gambit, the "white boss" and the "pawn"?
  16. Star√ation

    Foreign Warships Will Need Iran's Permission to Pass through Strait of Horm

    That's utterly true. But before doing that, they should arm theirs subs with dozens of nuclear warheads first. Oh, but they need nuclear engine too, that's sound complicated, huh? Hey, how about bring the whole Iranian state up to three miles off New York. That would be perfect, the Iranian...
  17. Star√ation

    South Korea President warns North Korea against Provaction

    You did not understand. In the time of war, people are allowed to have certain degree for brutality, inhumanity. Like the U.S with the Iraq and Afghanistan war. When U.S army went to war, no one care how many enemies U.S soldier killed, how they behaved... But, after the war, such act like the...
  18. Star√ation

    South Korea President warns North Korea against Provaction

    Yup, your Vietnamese historical knowledge is very good. So I ask you one question: Le Chieu Thong is a traitor since he has a deal with Qing Emperor Qianlong. Was Nguyen Hue a traitor as well, since he sent delegates to China to make a deal for Vietnam's fate with Qianlong too? Allright, so...
  19. Star√ation

    South Korea President warns North Korea against Provaction

    Viet Minh (Vietnamese revolutionary organization) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Ho did not only used the French to suppress his opponent but basically, he used French Forces to suppress pro-China groups, then he used Chinese Forces to suppress pro-France groups. That was nothing but to...
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