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  1. qsaark

    Can JF-17 be like Silent Eagle.

    I understand what he is saying and he may very well be right for the most part but Su-30MKI is a different machine and Russians have put some serious effort in designing its cockpit as ergonomic as it could be as shown in the picture below. It would be naive to assume that most of the functions...
  2. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    Time and society might have changed but the message of Allah and Quran is there to remain till the day of Judgement.
  3. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    Allah says: يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ ادْخُلُوا&#1618...
  4. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    Muslims became arrogant, and lazy, and corrupt and stopped following Islam in its true spirit.
  5. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    No, you can not MAKE them observe pardah, but SUGGEST to them in the light of Quran and Hadith. If they were Muslims and believe in the words of Quran, they would follow.
  6. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    Your name is removed. I will not say sorry because your names was used only as an example of an intelligent and educated person.
  7. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    Hassan Niasaar has talked about it very nicely. Just for your information, I am a die hard apposer of Jamaat Islami and its terrorist wing Islami Jamiat Tulba but what Hassan Saheb has said is also worth considering.
  8. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    You know what is the problem with us? Most of our very intelligent and highly educated folks do not want to support Islamic teachings and culture for one or other reason. if I ask myself this question, do I want my own son who is very intelligent and smart to become a Religious Scholar, my...
  9. qsaark

    Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

    Well it was not only the American media that reported all that crap. Do I need to remind you the famous (or infamous) speech by General Colin Powell holding a model vial of anthrax while giving a presentation to the United Nations Security Council claiming that Iraq had all kinds of WMDs...
  10. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    Is that why the number of rapes occur in Islamic countries are nowhere near to the number of such cases in the other countries? I do not agree with you that Pakistani women are any less freer than the women in Iran and Turkey. When I was working in AKU, I happened to have colleagues from Turkey...
  11. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    No this is not because of the fake Mullah or hypocrisy of theirs; its simply because some of us have bought into the notion that religion Islam is the root cause of all our problems. If you happened to get taught by a bad Maths teacher would you leave the Maths subject? I am not going to buy...
  12. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    All true but why let it happen in the first place? There is a proverb in Urdu: Jab ghori (Mare) hinhinai gi to ghora (Horse) daant chirai ga. When a woman would go in Public in compromising clothes and inviting posture, and if she is raped, the blame would falls on the both, the one who invited...
  13. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    Every Muslims who talks about the orders of Quran and teachings of Muhammed is an extremist these days. This has become kind of a fashion to malign Islam and its true followers as much as possible to be called and considered 'enlightened' and 'civilized'. At any rate, your job is to keep saying...
  14. qsaark

    Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

    An estimated of 45% women in your enlightened Europe and America get beatings by husbands and boyfriends. The number of rapes happen throughout Europe and America are no where to be found in Muslim countries. So much for women rights I guess.
  15. qsaark

    Can JF-17 be like Silent Eagle.

    In an event of war why would any Air Force put its fresh-out-of-flight-School pilots into an MKI in the first place? Is it not more logical to assume that an experienced pilot in his MKI will go head on with his opponent and in that case, an MKI with an advance radar, more power and superior...
  16. qsaark

    Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

    First of all it was not the report of NYT which made the US and allies to invade on Iraq; It were the reports from the intelligence agencies which were later released to NYT as part of the propaganda campaign. Secondly, Iraq was a country and Musharraf is a person so your analogy is not correct...
  17. qsaark

    Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

    Point is not whether Lamb has misreported for whatever the reason; point is, if she misreported, why Musharraf or his aides did not challenge her? Why was she not dragged into the courts for slander? These kind of journalists may getaway with whatever crap they write in Pakistan but in countries...
  18. qsaark

    Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

    And you come with him because there are not very many people in Pakistan who are ready to assist him with this Enhanced Enlightened Moderation crap after seeing the results of his first Enlightened Moderation BS. This you try to settle with Christina Lamb who reported it while others are only...
  19. qsaark

    Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

    Well it was reported by Christina Lamb and if it was not true, Musharrf's aide gaali baaz Qureshi was all over the place dismissing it.
  20. qsaark

    Degrees should not be a hurdle in eligibility: Gilani

    I fully agree; in fact I suggest that there should be a training academy where the politicians must get training before they are allowed to go for elections. Magar is naqqar khaney meiN tooti ki kaun sunta hey?
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