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  1. L

    India vs China – What if India declares war on China

    What if you make an asian union and tell yankee to go home and rule the World? Wouldn't that be a better option? Because after you bomb eachother to stone age there will be simply a single winner namely USA. European idiots did that in two World wars. And that's why the World is unipolar today.
  2. L

    China All Su-35 news

    Question : When you occupied Iraq you had more air bases around. And Iraqis had no capability to damage them in any sense. On the other hand when the US invades China from it's east; - 3 air bases in Japan - 2 air bases in ROK - 1 air base in Guam And only the one on Guam is politically...
  3. L

    Chinese coast guard vs Vietnamese coast guard: Clash

    Don't explain it to me. I'm one of the admirers of this generation... That generation changed the World, and still their effect is ongoing. What I'm saying is completely different. How can we make it better? More robust? Something that can't be collapsed by the imperialist, capitalist, liberal...
  4. L

    Chinese coast guard vs Vietnamese coast guard: Clash

    It lost the cold war and burried the whole Euroleft with it. People from Eastern Germany was climbing the Berlin Wall to make it to the West not the reverse. CCCP had Stalinist roots which made it extremely authoitarian and it completely closed itself to public voice. People who were even making...
  5. L

    Chinese coast guard vs Vietnamese coast guard: Clash

    We the people should fight for our own democracy if we want to prove something to the World. We have a bourgeois democracy right now. Businessmen rule the US not it's president and the US cabinet rules the rest of the World (at least it's own sphere of influence) correlated with the interest of...
  6. L

    Chinese coast guard vs Vietnamese coast guard: Clash

    Have you ever heard of a term called Finlandization? :) Media is effected by that too. You are in the western World. You are exposed to western point of view about China. Do you know what are China's hypothesis about South China Sea? And do you know what happened in Tiananmen other than "state...
  7. L

    Chinese coast guard vs Vietnamese coast guard: Clash

    Maybe your sources are biased. How can you be so sure? Your media seems to be "uncensored" but when it comes to foreign policy I don't see any diversed opinions.
  8. L

    Parallels between Turkish attempt at COUP and Egypt

    Ok.. Let's make our facts straight shall we? Every constitution is an agreement between the civil society and the government. It's simply the definition of the rights of the civil society and the limits of the authority of the government. If the government declares a secular regime in it's...
  9. L

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Turkey is not an Islamist country. It's just US wants to export the so called "moderate Islam" ideology to the ME which is created in Turkey. Actually if Turkey had no secular roots there wouldn't be any moderate Islam in here. Turkey wouldn't be any different than the ME. And it's the second...
  10. L

    Snowden Says Cisco Helped the US Spy on China

    So the Chinese hacker division tied to PLA hacking US private and government systems allegations seriously backfired :)
  11. L

    Shenzhou-10: China launches next manned space mission

    Well done China, congratz with your Space Program.
  12. L

    aircraft——J-10 vs F-22 (lol wat?)

    Yeap that's the point. However F-22 can't be detected with today's radar technology. But as the processing power increases behind the radars, they will be able to collect more data and maybe someday (and of course doesn't seem to in the near future) they will become sophisticated enough to...
  13. L

    aircraft——J-10 vs F-22 (lol wat?)

    True. But the point is not being corrected. It's the tone of the discussion. That was the point I was making. Forum means you come and discuss. But with somebody with annoying tone you don't discuss. You simply ignore. I just asked you to check your tone. Well I haven't. You can't just create...
  14. L

    aircraft——J-10 vs F-22 (lol wat?)

    Wrong answer sorry. What kind of a stupid ego is that. This is a forum and I don't need to read your comments to make another comment. What are you a fascist? "Intellectual dishonesty" in a forum. Well I think you seem to be isolated from all kinds of real intellectual communities and try to...
  15. L

    aircraft——J-10 vs F-22 (lol wat?)

    First of all cut this "educate yourself" crap. You're not in a position to judge people's knowledge here. I've told you I'm not in the industry. I'm a computer scientist working in the R&D department of a multinational company. My area of expertise is different. I'm just reading articles and...
  16. L

    China wishes to build it's Space Station with developing nations

    You just revealed the top secret plan of the Western pact. Damn you. Now they should make another plan with using India as a trojan horse. I respect your nation a lot but you don't have respect for your own. India is not a puppet of Western Pact.
  17. L

    China surpassing U.S. with 54.9 petaflop supercomputer

    Supercomputers are used for high performance computing. They use parallel architecture since any single processing unit doesn't give you something more than a dozens gigaflops. The term "flops" are used for the performance measurements. It simply say how many floating point operations that you...
  18. L

    aircraft——J-10 vs F-22 (lol wat?)

    Well as far as what I understand from the text there is a problem with your analogy. It's not like you tie Mike Tyson's hands and knocking him out. It's like tying both fighters' hands and see where that goes. Of course Tyson wins when he punches. But if we forbid punching to two fighters (equal...
  19. L

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Gambit, I read some of your messages and you seem really confused. On one hand you think that China has the worse system of all times, they don't innovate anything and steal technology of others, and even they can't manage to steal and they simply produce poor quality equipments. Even if China...
  20. L

    India-China: The real military equation

    Well actually I was expeting such an answer. First of all, I was targeting some people here with my message. Not the governments of China and India who are actually trying to cooperate in every field very responsilbly. China defines it's relations with India as the most important bilateral tie...
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