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  1. M

    International Mathematical Olympiad 2013 results

    yes, funny isn't it. east asian never viewed indian as good looking, we put indian in the same category as africans, to us, these two are no different to each other, bottom tier in terms of looks. lol.
  2. M

    International Mathematical Olympiad 2013 results

    like how you indian become slaves and got killed by the british? and also of course we all know nobody wants indian women. Japanese vs. Chinese, apparently you don't know we are all east asian. i know, i know, in your 82 iq brain you think japanese is a different race than the chinese...
  3. M

    Greek minister terms Pak,Bangladesh illegal immigrants ‘tragedy’

    not even on the same scale, only cities ruled in china, hongkong and macau. the size of chicago combined.
  4. M

    Greek minister terms Pak,Bangladesh illegal immigrants ‘tragedy’

    why drag chinese into this thread that has absolutely zero thing to do with the chinese? indians rule? everyone know indians are bottom feeds in asia who aren't capable of developing anything. hey stupid, so some white american dissing you and your only defense is to throw cheap shot at the...
  5. M

    International Mathematical Olympiad 2013 results

    indians are shorter than the chinese, fact. i know your indians got big mouth spewing lies, keep trying.
  6. M

    How America poisoned the economies and future of Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil, Turkey and India

    what's all the hate toward friendly Taiwanese? and he could very well be second generation mainlander himself.
  7. M

    ‘Made in China’ label discourages Saudis!

    whatever, whatever, nobody in china really cares what turks prefer or not prefer. You don't like "made in china", then don't buy them, nobody is putting a gun on your head . On the flip side, people yet to find anything made in turkey, do turks even manufacture ANYTHING?
  8. M

    Turn this Chinese lesbian "straight" and get $65 million USD

    the money probably won't be given right away so to deter fraudsters.... and if you divorce, the dad will probably hire a hit man. There's a downside to every good stories.
  9. M

    Pentagon: China Challenging US Military's Technology Edge

    just another trick from US warmongers asking for more money by trumping up china-threat, the trick gets old but never fails.
  10. M

    ‘Made in China’ label discourages Saudis!

    lol, it only shows china can make everything, top of the line engineers start their own chinese companies, make chinese branded products, tech savvy people copy from american products, poor rural farmers copy bottom of the tier indian products. Chinese are eating your lunch, if chinese can make...
  11. M

    India has the most enslaved people in the world

    lol, it's accepted fact that india serves two purposes. produce low-iq sub-human where white man can dump on this piece of shit country, conquest them with english so these enslaved people can only survive using english masters language; it's women are so dark and ugly that they can only sell...
  12. M

    Chinese man sentenced to death for killing toddler after argument over parking space

    couldn't you tell that was a sarcastic comment?
  13. M

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    lol, what a dumbass! your low intellect will never strengthen your school, with democracy and freedom and you still built school like shit. loooool, you reached your limit, meaning 82 iq will never build anything better than 2nd to last world education. that's why all your guys are construction...
  14. M

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    low iqers quote other's claims, "best", "top". high iqer quote actual rankings. little wonder these garbage collectors can never beat china in anything, intellectual ability or sports ability. little wonder these african like garbage collectors make wages so little compare to the chinese and can...
  15. M

    Who's the Next World Superpower?

    Pakistan has one of the best potential in south Asia and the Middle East, I personally doubt India has iq of only 82, but Pakistanis are different stock and I've met some really intelligent Pakistanis. I see Pakistan to have great if not yet dominant influence in both South Asian and Middle East.
  16. M

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    so you accept indian has no intellect to have their own successful companies so they either have to work as garbage cleaners or work for english speaking companies from other advanced countries? wherera chinese, americans, japanese, german, britain, korean, taiwanese, french, and other high...
  17. M

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    indians actually have balls to boast their educational system, wow, simply wow. everyone but indian knows indian universities are some of the worst in the world, their best is only comparable to third tier chinese universities. Indian only advantage compare to the chinese is that they made...
  18. M

    China's accumulated debts($18.4 trillion) touch 215% of GDP

    it's not just here on pdf, it's all over the web these indians keep sniping/insulting the chinese, talking about a group so inferior and yet so filled up with jealousy, it's disgusting.
  19. M

    Noshir Gowadia father of Chinese stealth technology

    yes, indian love to claim indian historian as "rest of the world" historian. lol.
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