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  1. notorious_eagle


    Off course UK was going to order Meteor, she is part owner of the MBDA consortium so it was natural they were going to order it. The only question is, how much money has been sunk into Meteor and how much testing is the missile going to be put through? The AMRAAM has been fired against retired...
  2. notorious_eagle

    Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

    What about it? You sending a strike package from there :P So i was correct, India will have to fight her way through. I was only disapproving Karan's theory that IA has the same capability to operate a mission similar to that conducted by US Navy SEALS on May 2, 2011. An extraction by a...
  3. notorious_eagle


    First of all, F16 can launch the AMRAAM also and let the AWACS guide it for her. Second, i would put my money on the AMRAAM any day over the METEOR due to the sheer R&D invested in the AMRAAM and the amount of testing it has been put through. The problem with SPECTRA is that nobody knows what...
  4. notorious_eagle

    Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

    For you to conduct an extraction mission, you will have to fight your way through from Point 1. PAF's radar coverage is very extensive on her Eastern Frontiers, you have thousands of mobile observation posts, and most importantly you don't have low radar observable choppers like those operated...
  5. notorious_eagle

    Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

    You must be smoking something real nice my friend, you should definitely share with us what it is. Lets get some facts straight. You don't even come close to the level of sophistication, training, motivation and the hardware that was required to execute an operation like the one seen in OBL...
  6. notorious_eagle

    Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

    So are you suggesting that Indian Armed Forces have the capability to conduct an operation akin to the OBL Raid?
  7. notorious_eagle

    Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

    Putting aside all the realistic scenario and thinking in a pure hypothetical manner, i think what @Awesome was stating that if New Delhi is threatened, she will throw out her doctrine of 'No Nuclear First Strike'. For her survival, she will use whatever weapon is at her disposal. Keep in mind i...
  8. notorious_eagle

    Karachi MetroBus NEXT! (should've been the first) Sez Chief Minister Punjab

    Buddy i have lived in both Karachi and Lahore. I don't mean to brag, but in the last 5 years Lahore has improved by leaps and bounds. The infrastructure of Lahore has been vastly improved. Although i am a PTI supporter, but i will take my hat off for Shahbaz Shariff and pay my respects for the...
  9. notorious_eagle

    Air Force Question Thread

    It is indeed the biggest priority, look at the timeline of JF17 from the past five years and look how far it has evolved. The weaponery on board JF17 makes it a very potent platform, especially for us when our enemy is right next door. PAF looked at the Rafale but was not interested due to the...
  10. notorious_eagle

    Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

    I could not disagree more with this part Sir. You would actually be surprised how tough and realistic the forecasting is by our boys during wargaming. NDC and Staff College are two institutions that i highly respect, not just a coincidence that we have some of the finest officers serving in PA...
  11. notorious_eagle

    Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

    @Capt.Popeye Very astute observations. You are right, the idea was never converted into a plan and that is why it ended up as a failure. Sure we gained a couple of peaks and some land, but the cost was certainly not worth it. We were left isolated both politically and economically.The way our...
  12. notorious_eagle

    Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

    Yes there is a reason for that, incompetence and corruption. The reason why these so called democractically elected governments have failed to complete their tenure is because of their mis governance, corruption, incompetence, nepotism etc. The current government which is about to complete her...
  13. notorious_eagle

    Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

    Can you please stop spreading your propaganda and misinformation. Pakistan is not some totalitarian state where divergent views are greeted with iron fists. The circumstances of Nawaz Sharif are totally different compared to those of Lt Gen Aziz. There were other factors which lead to the coup...
  14. notorious_eagle

    Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

    Just one question? Where was his honesty and candour, when he was commanding a freaking corps? It appears that his honesty and inner conviction has finally woken up long after he took off his wardi. He should have made a protest right than and there, instead of putting this issue now almost...
  15. notorious_eagle

    Team confined to stadium as Indian hotels turn cold

    Well it was strange for me. When i was doing my undergrad in Canada, i could not differentiate between Indians or Pakistanis. But i guess that was me.
  16. notorious_eagle

    Team confined to stadium as Indian hotels turn cold

    Indians are indeed very mehman nawaz people, i will testify to that. My fellow Pakistani brothers, please don't generalize as their are bad apples everywhere. I was present during the 3rd one day match in Delhi, i was there in Delhi for 3 days. Had a very pleasant trip, Indians were quite...
  17. notorious_eagle

    Pakistan : Tax exemption surpasses IMF loan

    In our case, all these tax exemptions were aimed at generating rent seeking activities for Zardari's cronies and not generate any productive activities. Thus, no, there was no employment generation.
  18. notorious_eagle

    Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

    We are most thankful Sir. He has literally transformed the face of Lahore, as these projects are coming online, people are seeing the fruit of their patience. Simply top class projects, although i am a PTI supporter but i do take a bow to PML-N for their wonderful work in Lahore.
  19. notorious_eagle

    Wikileaks revelations - realistic view of our army

    Excellent post Sir There is no doubt that Pakistan Army has been fighting this insurgency with kids gloves on their hand. They have not even used 10% of their force in putting this menace down. Where they did use force e.g Swat and South Waziristan, TTP was in retreat and was scattered all...
  20. notorious_eagle

    Former Envoy: Pakistan Too Dangerous to Return

    Looking at the track record of our so called democratically elected government, nothing is off the table. PPP is without a doubt the most corrupt, inept and the most incompetent party in Pakistan's history.
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