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  1. notorious_eagle

    Do you have any Certifications?

    As broxbull suggested, if you are a CA than you should focus on entering Risk Management Department, lots of growth opportunities there. There are several good brokerages here in Lahore as some have shifted shop from Karachi to Lahore due to the security situation. But i won't recommend that...
  2. notorious_eagle

    Afghans stop 200 Pakistani containers

    My Good Man You do realize that the largest tributary of Kabul River is Mastuj River, which flows from Chitral. To put it simply, you are not in a position to reduce the water supply to Pakistan. If you do, there is nothing stopping Pakistan from closing the supply of water to Mastuj River thus...
  3. notorious_eagle

    Pakistan’s First Metro Bus Test Drive in Lahore

    Off course not, why would he fund it privately? The funds were distributed from the provincial treasury. Punjab is a rich province and after the passing of the 18th Amendment, resources at her disposal has considerably improved. On topic: I live in Lahore. I am associated with the project to...
  4. notorious_eagle

    Hamas to open military academy for kids.

    Sir I completely agree with you. I find this idea of training young children quite sickening, but than again, i am also reminded off the severe warcrimes that Israel has committed against the Palestinians. Gaza can at best be described as a modern day prison, a modern day concentration camp...
  5. notorious_eagle

    Pakistan is a 'fake' country: Markandey Katju

    Its only his personal opinion people, its not the state policy of the Government of India. So take a chill pill, divergent opinions should be welcomed as it helps us to look at the issue from all sides. I for one don't condemn his statement one bit, i don't agree with his statement but don't...
  6. notorious_eagle

    Do you have any Certifications?

    No doubt they are underdeveloped, but my experience tells me that making money in our capital markets is much easier and more rewarding. Developed capital markets such as NYSE are far too competitive and complicated, you need to be extremely brilliant to make money there. KSE is a very good...
  7. notorious_eagle

    Pakistan's 'Terror Tax'

    Did you see him personally in Karachi? I am assuming since you are making this bold statement, you visited Karachi and spotted him over there. I was just want to point out this post for the members, a classic example of Indian troll. Instead of talking about the topic on hand, he had to insert...
  8. notorious_eagle

    Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

    So your telling me; the Tajiks love you soo much that they are willing to enter into a war against Pakistan, just on the behest of India. After all, any use of Tajik territory to cause harm to Pakistan would be considered an act of war against Pakistan according to the canons of international...
  9. notorious_eagle

    Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

    Cargo planes cannot work against Pakistan, simple. They are more intended for your Northern Borders, not Western. What goods can they bring which is already not there at your cantonments. All your cantonments aimed against Pakistan are armed to the teeth, they don't need any additional supplies...
  10. notorious_eagle

    Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

    Goodness me, you have said something that is equivalent to blasphemy for an Indian member on PDF :P.
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