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  1. killeragent

    India cannot become a modern State

    Read all of his posts...He know more about pakistan than india. He is our neighbor
  2. killeragent

    Interesting six months at PDF

    Congrats. BTW its going to be like a year for me..but look at number of my posts lol:P:P But i am regular on forum..most of times reading...other times fighting hard in myself to ignore trolls..hehe...There were many times i wrote like 5 lines in reply to troll...than didn't posted it, i...
  3. killeragent

    PAK pilots on Sukhoi's

    \ what the heck...i thought you would ask for that girls number:P
  4. killeragent

    Snowfall in lahore

    hahahah this most ignorant post i have ever read since i joinned the forum..Two things..when a guy asked why it didn't happened in amritsar..your answer"What lahore has to do with amritsar, we are too different countries" ROFL ROFL...Okay..Lahore is just 35 km from Amritsar district...
  5. killeragent

    PAK pilots on Sukhoi's

    Its not new, infact pakistani pilots have been in Chinese sukhois for like 3 years now. Windjammer has much more info on it.
  6. killeragent

    Atheist Conversion to Islam

    I would like to share my personal experience regarding conversions i see around in Chicago. I own a restaurant and its in black neigborhood ..I brought it from a nice muslim old man.Restaurant is in place where community of black people is really poor, its dangerous area, high crime rate..All...
  7. killeragent

    IIT-Kanpur's indigenously built nano satellite 'Jugnu'

    Its fine peaceful...I know it could be hurting when you realize truth about yourself. I never wanted to be personal about any member, but in your case it was so obvious and out. Again its obvious that deep inside you know that whatever i said is true in your life and on forum you won't...
  8. killeragent

    IIT-Kanpur's indigenously built nano satellite 'Jugnu'

    From where i see, you are poorest ever a person could get. Because your happiness depends upon failures of indians... Must say these days you are very sad @TP ISRO has started a great program, about 2 year ago a team from IIT bombay approached them just for tour and had talk with the...
  9. killeragent

    Awful neighbours

    @ Ray Ban My dear friend, you need to read it again:P:P Its not jana's neighborhood
  10. killeragent

    Pakistan will launch its first space satellite this april.

    APRIL FOOL:P:P JK JK.. Date of launch is in august, although title is misleading
  11. killeragent

    IIT-Kanpur's indigenously built nano satellite 'Jugnu'

    No matter what, talk is about India or America or Taiwan or Russia or Kenya Or Niaobia Or Zimbawe or Even Mars,, Peaceful comes and does peaace there with china china chainaa chainaa Disgusting, why mods are allowing every thread to fall in quality and let it be trolling...
  12. killeragent

    Should Indians be forced to join the army?

    AM totally AMAZED BY TASKS TAKEN OR GIVEN TO ARMY:woot::woot::woot: it makes sense for need of army in relief work or much needed efforst at time of natural disaster or epidemic or help in case of emergency. But to use as laborer in construction of highways and dams is totally out of my...
  13. killeragent

    Do the players now regard money more than national pride?

    No i don't think that players regard money more than national pride. What you saw in pollard was mixture of 1 love for game 2 enthusiastic run of adrenaline because of cheers from crowd. 3 With every good move his confidence got build up(pretty humane) Now where was it against pakistan? 1...
  14. killeragent

    China lifted 65.3m out of slums, and India 59.7m

    The thread would have moved in much better direction if it would had title as "china lifted 65 m out of slums" or "india lifted 59 m out of slums" to add fuel to fire, some very high intellectual people from our beloved neighborhood participated very well. alas..:disagree::disagree...
  15. killeragent

    Stupid and Funny from all over the world

    Is it biryani or what.. No suprize, crazy arabs. God should take away excess money from them.
  16. killeragent

    Jana the Birthday Girl :)

    Damn...i cant reply to your PM, NOT ALLOWED.. Any how i was talking about this pic of yours,, [http://www.paktribune.com/images/authors/2005/12/Farzanashah.jpg Now sincerely ..here you look 40+...its your day ,..wont speak more on it
  17. killeragent

    The wildest thing you have done in your life...

    Yeah that Saktiman came, saved car, morally corrected you ...and than you said "Sorry Saktiman":rofl:
  18. killeragent

    The wildest thing you have done in your life...

    It was 4 years ago. I jumped from 2nd floor upon 2 mattresses ..The best part is few second fear in mind before jump. I was all safe...:what::yahoo: Since than, i loved this thing. Now am a regular skydiver registered with skydivechicago club.
  19. killeragent

    Jana the Birthday Girl :)

    Kya baat krtae hai jana ji ab appka assar padh gya mujhae apnae app parr sharm araee hai..sorry and , some guy here showed your pic from google search. WIth black goggles and pink suit..It looked like lady of 40.
  20. killeragent

    Jana the Birthday Girl :)

    Why the thread name is Birthday GIRL I mean we all know that she (janashah) is a respected, neutral and reputed journalist of around 40's. Happy Birthday Aunty Ji:cool:
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