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    Malala Yousafzai's book banned by private schools in Pakistan

    Some disciplines of education are such for women that no one can deny them if he has wisdom. Take for example medical. No one will like to reveal her self in case of delivery or breast cancer in front of a male doctor. So how can you say that girls should not learn?
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    Are Gog Magog waging Wars on Islam, Arabs & Pakistan?

    You better contact any alim. you are mixing things up. Gog magogs are different from human race. no human can be termed as gog magog or decendents of gog magog. Crusaider wars and todays wars are part of right and wrong wars which are to be progressed until unless christ come and total...
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    Azm-E-Nau 4 Military Exercise: News and Discussions

    How much flight hours have been put on these heli's and how much more they can endure?
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    Azm-E-Nau 4 Military Exercise: News and Discussions

    How many ex-jordanian cobras we've got
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    PDF Color Scheme

    In gallery when i want to see new photo the page reloads. it should be smooth transition that is only picture should change
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    Egypt Eyes $4Bln Arms Deal With Russia

    Egypt can buy jf-17 block 2 and can joint venture in stealth variant
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    Pakistan Military Multimedia

    Who is this lady?
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    Azm-E-Nau 4 Military Exercise: News and Discussions

    SAAB Erieye plus ZDK along with ground based radars are bought to detect that any thing has been launched and is up there.
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    Brief analysis China's SD-10B air-to-air missile

    What is the operational/developement status of sd-10B in china?
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    Leaving. Tomorrow is my mid term exam
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    And i'm not pro TTP. But i am supporter of afghan jihad. Because an aggressor without any clear reason attacked them.
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    I'm not loyal to riyadh. I don't know whenever any one speak about arab you take matters to leadership. I'm not a fan of arab leaders they are numb because they are getting their desired luxuries. I always talk about arab people like i am. A simple civillian.
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    And you are so chinto minto that you get scared of their bombs. At that time you were saying pakistani forces are one of the best in the world no one can imagine to threaten pakistan. At the time of salala you were the best army. how can some one help a best? Admit you are cowards. By the way if...
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    Didn't arabs helped you in 2005 earthquake? And who else is helping you if not arabs your dear uncle sam is not ready to give you full authority on your f-16s. not giving super cobras. cursing you every now and then. and giving india c-17s, c-130js, m-777s, apaches name whatever you want
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    I agree. Arabs are part of ummah with no superiority and if you read my post which became the topic of this discussion then you'll know that i posted it to condemn anti arab commrnt not to make arabs superior to others
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    @desertfighter where is you honour when salala was hit. where was it when dr.afia was kidnapped? where is honour on drones which are a slap on armed forces. where was it when a whole squad of ideal uncle sam came upto abottabad? Learn about honour before talking about honour.
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    Talking about nationalism. The person who gave the idea of pakistan said in his poetry "Destroy the idols of countries and homeland and dissolve yourself in millat. so that no tourani or irani or afghani thing remain." he is great Iqbal. He is the one great supporter of the concept of ummah. if...
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