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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    With so much computing power available these days i think algorithms must have been developed and this must not be a much worrying phenomenon these days?
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    Karachi Operation | News, Updates and analysis.

    How many terrorists in karachi have been killed in this ongoing operation till this date? And how many arrested criminals been given 'SAZA E MOT'?
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    What is ground clutter and how does it effects a pilot vision during a dogfight and how does it effect radar?
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    Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

    Brother i've a question in my mind. Why don't saudis grow their beared? They are more supposed to preserve sunna than any other muslim nation because this religion originated from their lands.
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    POF | Sniper Rifle

    How a free floating barrel works? And how does it give advantage over conventional one?
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    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    What is the range of t-darter?
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    Pakistan Military Multimedia

    Have SSG changed their uniform too?
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    PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

    Any news about alkhalid 2?
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    An Insight into Al-Khalid II MBT.

    Scratch your brother's face with knife. Then say he is my enemy............... Mafhoom of hadith... "A muslim is a brother of another muslim, he doesn't do injustice with him and doesn't hand him to any tyrant."
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    Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

    First cannibals started or you started to shoot peaceful protesters?
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    PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

    Are the destroyed tanks georgian or russian?
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    Paintings of Heaven found in Taliban compound

    Why you people call every criminal taliban? Are the blackwater operatives that are frequently observed doing covert operations in islamabad and that are not supposed to be checked or arrested by police for their crimes are Talibans? Was ramind devis was a Taliban. Your chaudhry bradry who burn...
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    Paintings of Heaven found in Taliban compound

    hashasheen were shites. They made a simulated heaven with girls as gift to those who acheive goals successively. after all prostitution is halal in shia world under the name of mutah.
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    Concept Design of a CAS Aircraft For The Needs Of Pakistan Military

    Can you please give details about that operation . In what configuration p3s were used? and how was the experience? did they acheived the goals?
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    Japan unveils largest warship since World War II

    What missiles they have put on it?
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    My Pak army photo collection

    What kind of weapon is he having?
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    T-80 and T-84 Main Battle Tanks Information pool

    Don't you think pakistani T-80s need an upgrade package?
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    The Most Heart Touching Nasheeds

    http://www.********.com/view?i=d7e_1375328466 @<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=12397" target="_blank">Jihad</a></u> Can you provide english translation of this nasheed?
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    Myanmar Navy starts submarine training in Pakistan

    Your country is ruined because of traitors like MUSHARRAF and ZARDARI.
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    Myanmar Navy starts submarine training in Pakistan

    Hell to Pakistani so called muslim leadership. Don't let your selfish ideas ruin the unity of ummah. When it comes to ummah term there is no give and take and also no pakistani, jordanian, saudi. Al muslimu ka jassadil wahida.
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