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  1. armchairPrivate

    U.S. owes India apology over strip-search : CNN

    Let me make a list of the sequence of events: 1. This woman has allegedly made false declaration on visa application - a crime 2. This same woman under paid her maid (well below minimum wage) - a crime 3. Ignoring police phone calls to turn herself in 4. Ignoring a summon to appear (to turn...
  2. armchairPrivate

    Indonesia-China Navy To Hold Joint Military Exercise In South China Sea !

    @MACKLEMORE ^^^ At least I found one Chinese who remembers and speaks out. When the founding father of China, Sun Yat Sen went overseas pleading for financial supports to the cause of overthrowing the Qing, the overseas Chinese, be them US citizens, Canadians, British, French, Indonesians...
  3. armchairPrivate

    U.S. owes India apology over strip-search : CNN

    Is CNN a news reporting organization? Or is it a mouth pieces to the special interest groups?
  4. armchairPrivate

    Indonesia-China Navy To Hold Joint Military Exercise In South China Sea !

    @cnleio ^^^ If you would care to read my posting carefully (rather pumping your head with blood), you would see what I was trying to say. So be calm. I didn't say the Chinese government should intervene at that time (btw what you said was reasonable regarding Chinese Indonesian and internal...
  5. armchairPrivate

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Initially I did have a little bit of sympathy with this female diplomat. I thought the public arrest and the body research were a bit over the top (even though it is standard process in the US law enforcement circles). Now more and more truth had come out. It turned out phone calls from the...
  6. armchairPrivate

    'Shamsung' smartphones strain India-China ties

    @RescueRanger ^^^^ This only gives you an idea the kind of markups (profits) the big internationals are making.
  7. armchairPrivate

    Chinese man's severed hand saved by attaching it to his ankle

    The surgery will cost him an arm and a leg.
  8. armchairPrivate

    Indonesia-China Navy To Hold Joint Military Exercise In South China Sea !

    Fro sure every country acts on its own interest so would China. There are times that integrity is as important if not more, as making money, getting rich, being powerful. China has a long history of advance culture and Confucism is a major pillar of that Chinese culture, a social philosophy that...
  9. armchairPrivate

    China's movie market to rival Hollywood

    There many different genres of "Chinese" movies. Most HK produced movies I dislike with passions. I like most Chinese movies produced in China. Some of these movies are arty I found. I watch some Hollywood movies (well you just can't avoid them living in the west). I avoid the pop Hollywood...
  10. armchairPrivate

    Indonesia-China Navy To Hold Joint Military Exercise In South China Sea !

    ^^^ You registered just to post a made-up story? That's low.
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