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  1. Icarus

    Duck & cover: Protective gear for ASF ' Substandard & useless'

    Introducing new gear will require the entire force to be retrained in its use, which makes it a counter-productive solution. Which is why I suggest that raising a QRF within the ASF might be a suitable compromise whereby the ASF's response capability can be exponentially enhanced whilst keeping...
  2. Icarus

    Duck & cover: Protective gear for ASF ' Substandard & useless'

    The ASF are equipped with material according to their roles, which is to deal with basic disturbances at airports stemming from domestic threats such as smugglers, thieves or lone wolf attackers. An attack such as this had not been anticipated as a situation that the ASF would ever have to face...
  3. Icarus

    Pakistan | The Warrior State | Book looks into Pakistan's failings.

    Except for the factually incorrect points in bold, I am interested to read about what the author has to say.
  4. Icarus

    Do You Also Flirt with your Sister In Law?

    I don't even have a brother! I came in expecting a confession thread, then I stumbled into this and now I think I'm confused about what to make of all this.
  5. Icarus

    'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

    But our focus and the fatwa in discussion are more limited in their chronological context, wouldn't you agree?
  6. Icarus

    Pakistan one of most dangerous countries for minorities: Report

    Yes but Islam has this magical quality of granting some degree of legitimacy to the terrorist's agenda. Our people despite a decade of war still question if the TTP are indeed muslim and have a strange fixation with their "Khatnay" what does that tell you? Just Iraq and Afghanistan, otherwise...
  7. Icarus

    Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

    ISIS represent a serious threat to the stability of the entire region, they must be dealt with accordingly on an urgent basis before they can destabilize the region and throw it into sectarian violence.
  8. Icarus

    'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

    In this situation, the entire Iraqi populace are victims.
  9. Icarus

    Pakistan one of most dangerous countries for minorities: Report

    The whole situation in middle east concerns Islam in one form or the next. Free Paye by the state?
  10. Icarus

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    I attended a similar ceremony for the Nepalese Army, they had a holyman over to bless the weapons before they started their operations under the UN banner.
  11. Icarus

    'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

    If the Shias join the fight, the ISIS will face serious trouble. The Shias have been massacred in this campaign and tempers are soaring but then there's the risk of Shia militias orchestrating revenge attacks against otherwise docile Sunni populations which may force Sunnis to seek ISIS support...
  12. Icarus

    'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

    The ISIS is advancing at lightening pace, Iraqi Defence Forces have collapsed in the face of their onslaught and the US seems to be nowhere in sight. In this situation, someone has to step up to impede the ISIS advance on Baghdad. The first ISIS-Shia clash will signal the beginning of a...
  13. Icarus

    'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

    Agreed, my complete support and sympathies rest with the Shias in this conflict. The ISIS represents a threat to the entire region, they must be stopped.
  14. Icarus

    'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

    We have a handful of them, TTP, LeJ, SSP among many others.
  15. Icarus

    'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

    I am more concerned about them procuring arms and exporting them to like minded groups.
  16. Icarus

    Pakistan one of most dangerous countries for minorities: Report

    Even though I myself have never tasted it, I've just heard it's best that way.
  17. Icarus

    Pakistan one of most dangerous countries for minorities: Report

    Agreed, a group of people arguing over a belief that has no logical proof and they themselves know nothing for certain about.
  18. Icarus

    'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

    More cash=Better Weapons This will only continue to get bad unless some corrective measures are taken ASAP.
  19. Icarus

    Pakistan one of most dangerous countries for minorities: Report

    Ah, the bastion of Islam could do with a little less Islam at the moment! The problem remains that many people still draw a link to Indian muslims, divided families, former homes and historical land claims still keep individuals from accepting the fact that Indian muslims chose to be Indian...
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