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  1. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    No doubt India has everything it needs to drastically reduce or even eradicate poverty. But the kala engressi GoI & Italian wiatress have other ideas!:help:
  2. BRICS

    Eat Pray Give - India

    A rare Indian diamond. India could do with more guys like Krishnan Narayanan.
  3. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    gulte u r full of $hit. A rickshaw driver earning 20k a month GTFOH, who r u trying to kid? The driver from the hotel I was staying in last year was earning 3k a month. And I've been in several rickshaws, the drivers say otherwise - 20k a month WTF!!!!
  4. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    If u say so:undecided: Have u even bothered to read the article? It's date is 27/05/2011. Here is a paragraph from it! Rights activists and some economists have slammed the commission, saying it should guide the government to set aside adequate resources to help the poor, and not merely set...
  5. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    Nope, GoI says the poverty line is $12 for urban areas and $9 for rural areas per month. Local activists say this is a joke, it can only be classed as "starvation line". World bank global poverty line is $38 per month.
  6. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    tut tut tut, stop denying REALITY, GoI would rather steal money then eradicate poverty! READ & UNDERSTAND what the article is saying - India does NOT even have a poverty line, it has a starvation line! Hundreds of millions of Indians can't even meet the $38 a month, which is the world bank...
  7. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    How much of that is actually reaching those who need it the most?
  8. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    India doesn't have a "poverty line" it has a "starvation line", even that is difficult for millions!
  9. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    These statistics are beyond F@@KED UP. India simply does not care enough for their own poor citizens. ELECTED govt being allowed to get away with stealing billions instead of helping & doing more for the extreme poverty is proof enough!
  10. BRICS

    India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics

    India's Planning Commission, which helps sets economic policy, told the Supreme Court that the poverty line for the nation's cities was 578 rupees ($12.75) per person a month. For rural India, it's even lower at about 450 rupees ($9.93). The World Bank global poverty line, at $1.25 a day or...
  11. BRICS

    China Hit by Explosions in Jiangzi Province

    Don't think too much of it! US media always confuse Obama & Osama! :woot:
  12. BRICS

    Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

    that's part of the Indo-Pak problem! one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist!
  13. BRICS

    Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

    Hafeez Saeed & Dawood are residing in India! :undecided: That's brand new news to me!
  14. BRICS

    Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

    How comes I ain't read anything in the news about terrorists wanted by India been killed in Pakistan? Wouldn't that be RAW's goal?
  15. BRICS

    Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

    What I don't get is, IF India, RAW or woteva is doing all this in Pakistan, how comes Pakistan has not presented proof to the world? How comes no one in the world has said anything against India? How come none of the terrorists harming India have been killed by India or RAW?
  16. BRICS

    Pakistan: Kalash valley people's unique culture

    Just came across this while I was on the BBC news website. Interesting short video. Beautiful colours & people, unique culture! BBC News - Pakistan: Kalash valley people's unique culture
  17. BRICS

    Indian Policemen Killed And Dismembered

    No doubt about it, GoI is handling the Naxal menace very poorly.
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