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    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    I don't know why the world is giving China crap for the economic slowdown from 10% to 7.7%. China's slowdown is caused by weak performance in EU and North America, its biggest exporters, doesn't mean China will collapse. Turkey's growth went from 7-8% to 2-4% after 2009 recession. India...
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    Uighur Support Thread

    Whatever you say buddy, but aren't you also unnecessarily biased against China? Reading some of your past post, it seems like you have an unnatural hatred for China/Chinese in general.
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    Uighur Support Thread

    There is no reason to believe China's economy can't adjust because they have a large population of poor people, the logical connection is simply not there. Remember, Europe was once also filled with poverty, and now very rich. It is kind of like those arguments made in 2007 about how Chinese...
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    Uighur Support Thread

    Soviet Union collapse was indeed out of the blue. They just went along with the whole anti communist wave in eastern Europe after 1989 and let the ethnic tension in USSR get out of hand. There are key differences between China and Soviet though. 1. Han Chinese are 91% of the population while...
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    Uighur Support Thread

    That article was written in 2010, and the prediction for the decade seems off already after 4 and a half years. Stratfor's articles are geared toward the most gullible people of society much like those books and movies about how the world will end in 2012. They just tell people what they want to...
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    Uighur Support Thread

    Pretty amazing how China was able to keep the majority of her empire (only outer Mongolia is gone) after the collapse of the Qing against all odds. Soviet Union was actively trying to destabilize the XinJiang region to turn it into a soviet puppet much like Outer Mongolia. On the other hand...
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    Five Indian Weapons of War China Should Fear

    What are the specs of Kolkata vs type 052D, the two nations' most power destroyer.
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    Japan Economy Forum

    The 3 main exports of Japan in the 1980s-2000's were cars, electronics (dvd players, walkman, cellphones, camera, ect) and household appliances (water boiler, rice cooker) Samsung + Apple effectively dethroned Japan as the king of electronics, Apple's Ipod defeated Japanese walkman/CD...
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    China to Build the Tallest and Most Eco-Friendly Building Ever

    Sky City (Changsha) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia China said they were going to use the same prefabricated lego construction method it used to build that 30 story building in 15 days. China constructs building in 15 days Hilarious comment section on that video, many trolls claim it will...
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    Taipei insists on ROC sovereignty despite Beijing claim

    Taiwan is a category of its own. It is not exactly a country (lacks international recognition) but not exactly part of PRC either (PRC laws has no jurisdiction in Taiwan).
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    Is China the new idol for emerging economies?

    In the beginning of 1980, right after Deng Xiaoping firmly got his grip of the CCP by sending the rival military fraction on vacation in Vietnam for 3 weeks. China grew non stop for almost 3 and a half decade now. IMO, there are key structural differences between china and the rest of the...
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    China to Build the Tallest and Most Eco-Friendly Building Ever

    What happen to sky city? I thought China was planing on building something taller than dubai.
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    What America Thinks About Iraq

    There are 315 million Americans, and they have a diverse range of opinions. There were a large amount of Americans that agree Iraq war was a bad decision even in 2003, there were large protest in all the major cities. I personally think the war was stupid and that US had a very unrealistic...
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    Obama: ‘We gave Iraq the chance to have an inclusive democracy’

    The problem is Iraq is not a real country, it was a British construct, a slice of pie she carved from the Ottoman empire. The boarders of Iraq are not natural, they completely ignore ethnic boundaries. Iraq needs a leader like Saddam who rules the country with an iron fist, otherwise the...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    China also had a series of terrible war crimes, it is just less documented. During the mid-nineteenth century, the Muslims revolted against the Qing dynasty, most notably in the Dungan revolt (1862–1877) and the Panthay rebellion 1856-1873) in Yunnan. The Manchu government ordered the...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    History is not circular, and the geopolitical landscape is much different today. I doubt ordinary Japanese have expansionist fantasies today compared to Chinese (I frequently read Chinese plan to take back Mongolia to restore Qing's boarders) 1930 Japan was much poorer than modern Japan (1930...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Good to hear. When discussing history, it is important to be calm and rational. Statements such as "China would have been a part of japanese empire without the USA" is unnecessarily provocative to the level of trolling. If USA can't even conquer vietnam/iraq/cuba, how would japan subdue a...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Chinese members should stop seeking revenge for the war that ended 70 years ago. “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” - Confucius For all of China's sacrifices, she was rewarded with veto power in the UNSC, something that is still the envy of many nations today.
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    IMO china did pretty well against Japan in WW2. We are talking about a country with no airplanes, no tanks and 1 gun for every 10 soldier. It was not exactly clear that Japan would have won either. I think it most likely would have turned into a vietnam war ending where Japan's economic...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    That was probably why Japan's empire crumbled in just 2 years. You cannot hold on to such a big land without seriously draining your own strength. How are you going to pacify the native population so that there are no daily revolts? The British was much better at empire building (let native...
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