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  1. Chronos

    Did you know? Zee to launch a channel that will air Pakistani content only

    they will be shocked to know that in Kerala Movies they show a lot of Mosques and Churches as well
  2. Chronos

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    Oh lol, that was hilarious. Quality Hindi programming. You just implied Hindi programs are good. If that is how they are popularised, Hindi needs better ambassadors.
  3. Chronos

    Kerala Corner

    what about the state of comedy in TV? before I left India in 2004, there said to be high calibre satires on Asianet and other channels. have the level of entertainment decline?
  4. Chronos

    Did you know? Zee to launch a channel that will air Pakistani content only

    Yeah, Southern languages are on a different family group of languages. I still understand Urdu well enough to understand basic plot and character motivations. I just think there needs to be more awareness of Pakistani diversity and Indian diversity to each other. I think it would be cool to...
  5. Chronos

    Desi Corner!!

    you need to stay alive for Rahul Baba. less importantly for your husband :P
  6. Chronos

    Kerala Corner

    I used to remember the day when I was in Kerala, there were these unemployed guys, every Evening would sit down near a bench near a Thattukada near my house, and pass comments on Girl students coming back from Lectures.
  7. Chronos

    Zindagi, Pakistan shows a hit in India

    In the big cities like Bangalore you have takers. Each state is dominated by their linguistic TV industry. They are as terrible as Hindi TV shows, except they have less good looking people and lower production values :sad:
  8. Chronos

    Did you know? Zee to launch a channel that will air Pakistani content only

    I understand 50% of it. I understand Hindi movies partially. But I rarely speak Hindi. what I like about about or used to like about Kerala and it's TV was the comedy shows. As a small child in Kerala I used to enjoy political comedies, because they made fun of the Communist, Muslim League...
  9. Chronos

    Did you know? Zee to launch a channel that will air Pakistani content only

    Most Southies don' watch Zee. Wonder if there will be translation for the Southies. This will be totally alien for them.
  10. Chronos

    Zindagi, Pakistan shows a hit in India

    this. I am sure Indian intelligence agencies use it as a torture device :sick: Imagine Indians who speak little Hindi to no Hindi!
  11. Chronos

    Which Book are you reading

    :D how dare you read a book of Blasphemy :D
  12. Chronos

    Kerala Corner

    Let's be Honest, Kerala's core competency is tourism. And kerala could do so much more to boost tourism numbers. Actually paying attention to building a nightlife. (which is unlikely, because it is against our Maryada). Kerala is never going to be an Industrial powerhouse, but if the Rulers...
  13. Chronos

    25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

    Imams are are highly respected religious figures, like Bishops or Cardinals. Excep Shias believe the the words spoken by an Imam is infallible. Like the Pope. But sunnis give a lot of weight to the Imam's words, they are not infallible.
  14. Chronos

    Maharashtra government announces 16 per cent reservation for Marathas, 5 per cent for Muslims Read

    how long do you think until they ruin private sector too.
  15. Chronos

    Kerala Corner

    I google Kerala roads in images, to compare roads in Tamil Nadu. a lot of the images were of potholes. Somethings never change I guess.
  16. Chronos

    25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

    what the? These are my beliefs too. this is awkward. I don't know if this is true, but I had noticed that expat Iranians tend to lose their religion quickly. at least in greater numbers than other Muslim nationalities.
  17. Chronos

    25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

    Because there is a split. A lot of Iranians do want to see Khomeini gone. But the problem is that Revolutionary regime has a lot of power in the rural areas. Among the educated Iranians, the opinion of the Revolutionary regim,e is low. It's just that the military, and Basij militia are...
  18. Chronos

    25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

    as expressed by posters, what if these Shia Indians are recruited from outside India? that is the likely scenario. nlike the West, Indian surveillance systems are..... Not impressive.
  19. Chronos

    25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

    The difference is concerning the succession lines after Prophet Muhammad. Shias supported Hussein the in law I think. Sunnis wanted someone out of the family. Shias believe the Imams are infallible. Sunnis believe no Human is infallible except god I think.
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