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  1. Y

    China striving to build bustling border towns in Xinjiang by 2020

    I don't understand the relevance of this question. I'm from Ethiopia, my country's history goes as far back as the first humans. : )
  2. Y

    China striving to build bustling border towns in Xinjiang by 2020

    It's obvious China is just trying to "develop" the West so they can have ethnic Huns flock there so they can change the demographics of the region and kill any aspiration of Uighur autonomy.
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    Poll: Oil price & Israeli attack on Iran

    I could also bring my own polls that show the opposite. I think Americans everywhere are sick and tired of fighting Israeli's wars, this is the general sentiment in the American public and even in academic circles.
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    Poll: Oil price & Israeli attack on Iran

    Why can't I vote?
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    South China Sea tensions

    Chinese claims are ridiculous, do they really believe they are entitled to that entire area? They might as well claim the Indian ocean also.
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    Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

    From reading Mosamania's comments he sounds really delusional, as if the whole world misunderstands Saudi Arabia and that it is actually a liberal utopia with free press, women rights, equal opportunity etc. Who are you kidding? Saudi Arabia is the most backward country in the entire region and...
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    Lets bank the Islamic way?

    Man this whole "Islamic banking" is all nonsense. All I know is one thing, if you want to buy a house and take a loan from an "Islamic bank", you would end up paying a lot more than just going to a commercial bank. You can change all the terminology in between and twist and turn the words to...
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    With the help from BIG BROTHER Russia, India joins ICMB big league

    Huh? Did I hear "We are 1 billion but 90% of us live in poverty so that's why we import all our technology and pretend its ours"? I thought that's what you said.
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    With the help from BIG BROTHER Russia, India joins ICMB big league

    I've always found it interesting that India is never able to produce really advanced technology on its own. Whether its space program, fighter jets, submarines, nuclear power plants etc India gets significant assistance on these projects from Russia and the West, and in many cases just buys...
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    Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

    I keep hearing that King Abdullah is a great reformer, could you please tell me what key things he has reformed in the country and society? As far as I'm concerned, there are still beheadings, stonings, religious police, mandatory burkas, and of course, women can't drive. If you consider sending...
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    Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

    Saudi Arabia will support the devil himself if it ensured the survival of the House of Saud. This is nothing new.
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