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  1. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Hari Singh Nalwa:one of the best commanders ever

    This sounds like a Sikh wet fantasy. Fact is, Sikhs were defeated by the British and then became British slaves. Sikhs enlisted as soldiers in the British Army and fought for their British conquerors. Sikhs invaded Afghanistan under the British flag and were slaughtered by Pashtuns in three...
  2. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Is Afghanistan really impossible to conquer?

    You must have pulled this "fact" out of your rear end. And the funny thing is (which you didn't care mention), the Afghan defeated the British in all three wars, meanwhile the Sikhs capitulated to the very British and offered very little resistance. The Afghans have only one weakness which is...
  3. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Should Muslim nations arm the Palestinians if peace talks fail?

    Sorry, no disrespect intended but i can give you a few Pakistani military achievements like liberating half of Kashmir while entire Arab worlds might could not recapture inch of Palestinian land from israel in all three wars, or how Pakistan was able to win the second largest tank battle after...
  4. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Pakistan, a British problem, but a German solution?

    Pakistan can never rise. Its society is torn apart, divided. Pakistanis sell each other out in an instant.
  5. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Pakistan, a British problem, but a German solution?

    There can NEVER be economic progress in Pakistan as long as there remains rampant corruption from the common man all the way to the gov.t leaders. I don't see the corruption decreasing let alone ending any time soon. Not even after a thousand years. Pakistani society is corrupt to the core.
  6. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Should Muslim nations arm the Palestinians if peace talks fail?

    Yeah, sure, lets hand out nukes like candy to everyone! Why not mail one to the Somalis while we're at it. I'm sure Pakistan wont come under heavy international sanctions and possible seizure of our weapons.
  7. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Should Turkey Acquire Nuclear Weapons in the Future?

    Yeah, like Pakistan that gets droned every now and then by its masters in the U.S.A and is allowing America to build a military base in Islamabad?? Turkey is more independent compared to Nuclear Pakistan.
  8. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Look at America. What Do You see?

    Ironically, the very same Soviet Union was your ally and bed buddy during WW2 when your Roosevelt and Churchill signed off half of Europe to Communist occupation at Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam. Your very media referred to the blood thirsty Stalin as "Uncle Joe" and the Soviet Union as "our gallant...
  9. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Kashmiri student telling what happend in Meerut University

    Who's the guy in the avatar? I've seen quite a few Pakistani members with this guys pic.
  10. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    ISI moves in on changing the MQM leadership

    A perfect example why democracy in Pakistan is a sham/failure.
  11. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    NATO meets tomorrow in response to Poland's request to invoke the Article 4

    Germany and France have good relations with Russia. Particularly Germany.
  12. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    China to sell helicopters to Pakistan: Mamnoon

    Are we talking about attack helicopters here?? If so, then does this mean Pakistan has chosen to go for Chinese Attack Helicopters over Turkish and American ones?? Which Chinese Helicopter variant is Pakistan going to procure?? Is this article correct??? "Talking to media representatives...
  13. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Saudi doublespeak hits India’s core interests

    Pakistani soldiers to fight in Syria? Are you making this up? Where's your source?
  14. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Saudi ‘seeking Pakistan arms for Syrian rebels’

    Afghanistan borders Pakistan. Syria doesn't. No one's taking sides in this sectarian conflict. Did you hear the Pakistani PM give any sectarian speech against Al-Assad or Iran?? We're just selling weapons to the Saudis. After that they decide what they want to do with those weapons. Plain and...
  15. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Saudi ‘seeking Pakistan arms for Syrian rebels’

    Heck, Egypt provided AK-47's and RPG's to the Americans in return for cash during the Afghan-Soviet war.
  16. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Here is something Pakistani's living abroad should learn from Palestinians

    Lol, wow. really?? You should update yourself: Pakistani gangs are targeting us, say fearful black youths - Telegraph
  17. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Pakistan would soon emerge as a great country: Saudi Prince

    The Saudis spend 70 billions on Arms purchases from the USA and EU yet they find it difficult to even fund the military programs of their so called "Brotherly Islamic Nation" Pakistan??? Why are they praising us and sweet talking to us all of a sudden?? Now they take "interest" in our military...
  18. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Greek minister terms Pak,Bangladesh illegal immigrants ‘tragedy’

    Yaar, do not expect much from a bharati, he probably put too much skin whitening cream on today that he forgot he was indian and probably considers himself White :cheesy::rofl: Not buying this sorry excuse. :disagree: :rofl:
  19. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Greek minister terms Pak,Bangladesh illegal immigrants ‘tragedy’

    Wow, that explains why facial whitening creams sell big in india , am i right? Facial surgery and skin whitening is what bharat is famous for, so save this bs for someone else.
  20. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Greek minister terms Pak,Bangladesh illegal immigrants ‘tragedy’

    @cyphercide you must be another bharati who thinks he's white :rofl: Those Australians do not want these "educated", "civilized", and "sophisticated" bharatis within their country. :lol:
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