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  1. PurpleButcher

    Islamism ???

    I tell you one thing.... i have been in saudia for nearly 18 months and these months have changed a lot in me and made me a better muslim a better human. I have been to khobar,dammam,dhahran,jubail,ras tanura, ahsa, riyadh, makkah, medina, buraidah, tabuk, yanbu, taif and abha and i have not...
  2. PurpleButcher

    ‘Asiatic lion spotted in AJK national park’

    border crossing raw agent spotted :P
  3. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    Grandpa came into the world, did good deeds , taught his sons to treat others well, did his best and perished away. a generation later someone from his family gets involved in a robbery. Now do the actions of the criminal affect the good deeds of his grandpa? NO... his grandpa was a good man...
  4. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    that was the reason I used the word "should" in my previous post. If you are judging Islam by taliban, or xyz is judging hinduism by rapists , then you are doing it wrong and should not do it. Religion "should" not be judged by its followers and if someone is judging it then there lies the...
  5. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    My brother, please broaden your vision. If religion is judged by its followers, then how many samples are needed for labeling a religion. E.g., 1) Dec 2012, six hindus raped a girl. are hindus rapists? 2) 1990-date, christian majority nations waged war and killed millions in our region. Are...
  6. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    First of all I again say and have been saying this over and over again, what happened to Malala was wrong utterly wrong, it was a criminal sick minded action. She was shot in the head. I know it. Please my brother try to understand, I am not trying to belittle the suffering of the girl. All I...
  7. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    So her family and millions other families have been targeted mistakenly/collaterally/friendly fire etc etc... does it help bring dead loved ones back. By using your argument, if a taliban suicide bomber blows himself up after approaching an army colonel (intentionally) and 10 other of his...
  8. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    Can you kindly quote something as a historian why is a religious adjective used with terrorists/barbarians. Do we dare say that IRA were christian fundamentalists, indian rapers are hindutva fanatics or usa troops who raped a 14 yeard old iraqi girl were catholic barbarians ? Using your vast...
  9. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    Do not discuss nabeela... I have been told on Page 2 by @FaujHistorian that we are allowed only to discuss malala.. no mention of nabeela is permissible on this thread (it actually goes against the entire pro humanitarian image of the west..... try to understand yaar)... we have to start a new...
  10. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    I am not dissing malala, I am just saying one should be a supporter of a cause. Not for a face. If you are supporting the cause education, condemn taliban as well as USA. And since USA has caused greater damage, condemn USA more if your cause is female education. Hope you understand as well
  11. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    And Nabila is a symbol for all humanity that is suffering from USA and its partners and its brain washed supporters who only watch FOX,BBC and CNN.
  12. PurpleButcher

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    to malala supporters out there... ever heard of nabila ?? Malala and Nabila: worlds apart - Opinion - Al Jazeera English The problem with enlightened moderates is that they see one side of the coin (which suits them).... I do not say what happened with malala was right, I condemn it say 60...
  13. PurpleButcher

    BJP's role in the 1984 Sikh riots

    The reason i feel for discussing historical mistakes is so that they may not occur again. One must learn from ones past otherwise they may happen again, only by discussing them and finding solutions will you be able to avoid them in future. Otherwise this thing will continue to happen again and...
  14. PurpleButcher

    Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) News & Discussions

    perhaps its a rain coat :P
  15. PurpleButcher

    KSA wants to barter oil against land lease for plantation from Pakistan.

    Let me know if you are will to pay this price.... i own very good farmland in Gujranwala dist. ... one of the most fertile regions of Pakistan... and my land also lies on one of the main roads of the area....
  16. PurpleButcher

    Russia sees IAF’s conspiracy to defame Pak-Fa

    Stay Calm and Buy Rafales & Pak-FA
  17. PurpleButcher

    India Is Not Our Real Enemy,Extremists Are Our Real Enemy:- Corps Commander General Qamar Javed

    Points 1 & 2 are understable but what the hell have submarines and nukes gotta do with TTP?
  18. PurpleButcher

    Shankaracharya Swarupanand Saraswati warned that the rise of Modi

    off topic how much difficult it must have been for this person to pronounce his name while he was a baby/toddler Shankaracharya Swarupanand Saraswati ? (no disrespect to religion intended)
  19. PurpleButcher

    Terrorism in Pakistan makes India happy

    It used to be the same even 4 years back, even 6 years back and will remain the same....wanna bet?
  20. PurpleButcher

    New Zealand seal 4-0 win against India

    Someone once said "Is 350 the new 280?" may i ask "Is 300 the new 350 ?"
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