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  1. N

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    I totally agree with you.Taiwanese malays and their coward government are really pathetic.It's a shame that thay call themselves han ethnics too.really pathetic.
  2. N

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    Haven't taiwan got bullied by southeastern asian countries such as vietnam and phillipine all along?vietnamese even took some islands from coward taiwanese malays decades ago.Go on and bully them,they won't do anything but protesting.
  3. N

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    Nope,they won't do anything but protesting and blaming like a ******.Taiwanese like bitching.
  4. N

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    I don't expect Taiwan would do anything to revenge but protesting.After all,Coward Taiwan was always the bullied one in their entire history.
  5. N

    Abe Denies Japan Invaded Asian Neighbors in WWWII

    So,you say it's ok if merkel build a tomb for hitler and himmler and hold ceremony every year? How would jews and polish think about that?I am sure some jews would destroy that tomb.stupid ,heartless and brainless indians.
  6. N

    Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

    You claimed to know chinese traditional culture well.Now I see,you are just stupid pure malay taiwanese ,a true chinese wannabe,actually know nothing about real chinese culture.
  7. N

    The CCP is most pro ethnic minority and stupidest party in human history

  8. N

    The CCP is most pro ethnic minority and stupidest party in human history

    Why not?People living together eventually become same/similar people.
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    The CCP is most pro ethnic minority and stupidest party in human history

    The weakest baby always got bullied.A sheepherd-like ethnic is defintely the first to be ignored and bullied.
  10. N

    US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

    Nah,No more conspiracy ****.The only thing manchus got in this conflict were the massive money loss.
  11. N

    US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

    Manchus killed many people,but that's nothing to do with hatred.Stop mixing things up,if manchus hate hans so much,then there won't be so many han people follow them and they would kill all hans for once.In 同治回乱,there's no han people...
  12. N

    Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

    Hey,taiwanese,stop calling yourselves as true chinese,stupid.Japanese worshipping cowards taiwanese don't deserve to be called as true chinese,that's a shame.And don't talk like how many traditioal chinese cultrue you guys know.how many true chinese history did you...
  13. N

    US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

    have you heard "tongzhihuiluan,同治回乱".In that time,nearly 20 millions of han and hui people died from killing each other?Many people live in shanxi province still remanber that massacre.Han and hui muslim kill each other including...
  14. N

    US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

    Shameless yankee hypocrites,disgusting.How can you blame others when muslims are discriminated in US?
  15. N

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    How many times have your dear persia been conquered by turks?And now you act like a terrorist sympathizer?be thankful to great china,if we don't buy your oil,you'll be as poor as North Korean and indian.
  16. N

    Abe Denies Japan Invaded Asian Neighbors in WWWII

    I hope he could do something in diaoyu islands other than barking. I hope he could do something in diaoyu islands other than barking.
  17. N

    Syrian Rebels Get Bored with Syria, Plot to Kill All the Buddhists in Burma

    haven't indians in PDF supported these people.And now you say they are terrorists.How stupid is this?mindless lapdogs of western countries.
  18. N

    Our army didn't intrude into Ladakh: China

    He also said he wouldn't change a shakespeare for even 10 Indias.obiviously he didn't like India so much.
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