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  1. N

    Leaked Records Reveal Offshore Holdings of China’s Elite

    BS made-up story,President Xi is not that corrupt.He is famous for be not corrupt during his early life,certainly no need to be corrupt when he take the seat of president.
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    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    Yes,that failed bad.But why are you blaming us?We don't blame Soviet for the culture revolution and the great leap forward.
  3. N

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    Hey,Don't blame others for your own pain.We don't have responsibility to protect you SE Asian Chinese.
  4. N

    China Economy Forum

    Ten times of what indian produce.:cheers:
  5. N

    India Advances in Naval Arms Race With China

    China build her own ships,india buy them.There is no competition between China and India's navy force devolopment.
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    India's popular small cars FaiLs crash test !

    Guys,you have to understand it's a indian product.
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    China Economy Forum

    Why?the weight of chinese industry sector is clearly too big.If the total economy goes well,China won't decline. Japan didn't lose it,but it suffered from the last economy crisis worse than most of devoloped countries.
  8. N

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    I guess they just want to express their hatred about mainland china and CCP,so they don't really care about what did they put,whether it's a yasukuni shrine or KMT or British Colonism or whatsoever,it doesn't matter.
  9. N

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    Well,Are you telling me those japanese soldiers treat pinoys so good and never committee any war crime to pinoys?How do you know that?Anyway,it's pinoys' business,if they are OK with that,I don't have any problem.
  10. N

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    How about building some NAZI Waffen- SS memorial statues in Britain or US?People will be angry for sure.even some small things like prince harry wearing a nazi costume would become a embrassing news in Great Britain.How stupid can you be?do you even have a brain?OMG.
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    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    It's in mabalacat air field.Good luck with you.Oh,and don't forget take some pictures when you tear it down.
  12. N

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    I am sure there are more japanese in china and SK.The point is unlike in NE Asia,not so many hongkong people cared about nationalism thingies,They are just couldn't be more careless about such boring things.Money is the center of all things.
  13. N

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    This shrine will be torn apart if it's built in china or korea.Anyway it's not a surprise it's built in Hongkong.Pinoys even built a statue to praise some Japanese Kamikaze pilots.
  14. N

    David Cameron: Britain Will Never Surrender The Falkland Islands

    The mightier one get all.Britain deserves to own the falkland.
  15. N

    Germany urges Japan to deal ‘honestly’ with WWII past

    I always think you are a china hater and a stupid jerk.Your words are just so childish.
  16. N

    Germany urges Japan to deal ‘honestly’ with WWII past

    How about china launch a war of killing 30000000 japs to liberate the others from the rule of yankees?Do you like that,you utter jerk?China wasn't even under western rule before WWII like japan were ruled by yankees today
  17. N

    South Koreans trek to China to see their sacred mountain

    Changbai moutain is the sacred place of manchus(jurchens)people,nothing to do with the Koreans.
  18. N

    Emerging Taiwanese identity

    What you southeastern asian people think don't really matter that much.The han immigrants didn't cared,the Ducth invaders didn't care,the japanese didn't care,the manchus didn't care.Who cared?
  19. N

    India steps up security for US embassy; deploys 150 policemen

    the stupid thing is Indian removed the protection of US Embbasy and in a month then they step up the security,it's so childish and stupid.
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