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    The Tejas light combat aircraft, 30 years in the making, is just 60% indigenous as of now.

    NEW DELHI: The Tejas, 30 years in the making, is just 60% indigenous as of now. The story of the indigenous Arjun main battle tank is even worse. First sanctioned in May 1974, 55% of the tank is still made of imported parts. In sharp contrast, China has emerged as the fastest growing arms...
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    Chinese Carrier Battle Group

    等左咁耐, 戰鬥群全圖終於爆光啦. 戰鬥序列包括三隻導彈驅逐艦, 三隻導彈護衛艦, 一隻登陸艦, 另外仲有一對核潛艇. :smile_o12::smile_o12: :smile_o12: 辽宁舰完成海试返航 中国航母编队全景震撼曝光(图) | www.wenxuecity.com
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    Chinese Carrier Battle Group

    Chinese Carrier Battle Group (South China Sea, 1/1/2014)
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