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  1. W

    PLA Soldiers Beaten by Municipal Authorities for Illegal Enroachment

    Rofl, those aren't PLA, but some randoms in camo shirts. No one dares to screw around with the military in china. Urban management is run under local governments and the PLA is run from the top. If this article was remotely true, every single chenguang there would have lost their jobs...
  2. W

    The Launching of the USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier.

    The aim of Chinese ASBM was never to sink US carrier, 2 hits on the deck renders the carrier useless and forces it to flee.
  3. W

    Delivery of vessels to navy to be delayed : Bharati Shipyard Limited

    whenever foreign supplier miss a shipment, the entire indian "defense industry" halts.
  4. W

    Junk Rating Looms for India

    NONE of these address core issues that plagues the Indian economy. Face it, without drastic reforms your economy is going down the gutter.
  5. W

    China Cracks Down on Jihad Online

    cracking down online activity in China can involve a home visit from the authorities ;)
  6. W

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    in the 2nd video, the pilot was just an idiot. Clam seas.
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    Political solution for Taiwan can't wait forever – China's Xi

    You need to look towards the future, Mainland surely benefited from the inital investments from Taiwan, after all they were reclusive for over 4 decades and Taiwan spoked the language and was the best front to initiate FDI and the like. But do you really believe going forward from now, China...
  8. W

    Will India ever be a "real" super-power?

    If India reaches 4 billion people, they'd be all starving. China with its 1.3 billion people are already leasing oversea land to feed its population. Indian to-date are going to bed hungry, i am sure i am not the only one to think Indian population is already out of control given its current state.
  9. W

    Will India ever be a "real" super-power?

    superpower need room to exist, the US and USSR did. China needs to be top dog of asia again by all parameters be it economics, political and militarily. India will not become a superpower simply because its next to China.
  10. W

    Political solution for Taiwan can't wait forever – China's Xi

    Lol Taiwan with their 470 billion economy and total dependence on China for trade suggest otherwise. Like some 1 here has said before, 5% of Taiwanese live in Shanghai. Xi is a respected leader both in China and abroad, unlike Indian flip floppers. Who said back in 2004, we'd make mumbai the...
  11. W

    China building road inside Bhutan

    put up or shut up india. This is getting boring.
  12. W

    Taiwan's armed forces capable of deterring China: Minister

    Taiwan is tiny, 23 million people scattered across the island, the bulk of their population live on the western side closes to the mainland. Their military is funded by outdated crap force fed to them by the Americans because there are little alternatives, and lets not forget many spies china...
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    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Aquino can't answer the hard questions, just like the Viets who were left red faced when questioned on the spot by the chinese.
  14. W

    Mighty DFsDF-XX

    DongFeng 41 - 42 tonne - 14,000 km range. Agni V - 50 tonne - 5,000km range Perhaps have some perspective before embarasing yourself the next time. If Chinese missiles are primitive, Indian ones belong in the pre-mesozoic era.
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    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    The only thing america export is stupid reality tv.
  16. W

    7 Countries Beefing Up Their Militaries in a More Dangerous World

    Operational weapon systems count: 0 Bragging count: ∞ + 1
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    No delay In Mars mission launch, Isro insists

    Indians are living in a spiral of delusion that is slowly driving the country and its people into the ground.
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    Taiwan's armed forces capable of deterring China: Minister

    That video is more than a decade old, still talking about chinese missiles in their hundreds.
  19. W

    South China Sea Forum

    more appropriate title should be the two country should play by america's rule or he will cry like a little ******.
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    Indian diplomat's paedophile son jailed for 10 years

    Countries don't send shitty characters to be diplomats abroad, especially in a developed country when you are from a developing one. India is the exception because every second guy there has such sick mentality.
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