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  1. W

    China remains Taiwan's enemy: defense minister

    China don't see Taiwan as the enemy, "同胞" compatriot is what the chinese calls people from the island. If Taiwan think PRC is the enemy they should declare it, then again its the DPP speaking nothing surprises me from those ********.
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    US THAAD could take down Chinese missiles from SK

    people ought to stop quoting articles from wantchinatimes, do people actually take this seriously?
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    Naughty children need to get smacked - Deng Xiao Ping.
  4. W

    DF-41 is back on the road!!

    No country discloses openly how many nuclear warheads they have. Its better not to pull such crap out of your arse.
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    HQ-9 test results from Turkish SAM (T-LORAMIDS) contract

    And what has Russia got to support its claims? flaunting crap like its 1980s doesn't add any credibility to your arguments at all. And your research to strictly based off what some "western analyst" is writing in their blogs, if you can't read chinese you are incapable of independent research...
  6. W

    China to join Russia in Maintaining Security in Asia

    Land bordering disputes? Just with you curry munchers, perhaps need to re-read for the words to make sense in that curry infested brain of yours.
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    China to join Russia in Maintaining Security in Asia

    China has 13 land bordering countries of which only dispute is with you curry munching Indian. So get your facts right. India has many more hostile neighbours who are acting on their own volition, when compared to the almost unanimous US puppets to china's east.
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    South China Sea Forum

    lol this man represented Nicaragua vs the US, the US lost that one but did anything change? They gave the International court the middle finger and carried on their business.
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    China to boost imports from India

    Fact: Chinese manufacturing has been growing for decades and continues on the same trajectory Fact: India's manufacturing capacity is only a fraction of China's and is continuing to contract in recent months. (Sub 50 PMI) Fact: Indian cheerleading and delusional tedencies has grown...
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    PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

    its a russian report, its still considering the outdated Sovremenny-class as china's core naval force. Yet the chinese stopped at 4 ships after they were deemed sub-par.
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    A U.S. Apache attack helicopter appears in China. Did they clone it?

    a clone for park or exhibition most likely, if it was obtained through unofficial channels you won't see these "organised leaks".
  12. W

    Chinese exports in surprise drop, but imports jump

    Don't pull figures out of your arse, the preceding months China had trade surpluses of (USD Billions) 27 in june, 17.8 in July, 28.5 in August and 15.2 in september. Back in march, China even had a deficit.
  13. W

    Spitting a disgusting and uncivilised habit - India

    spitting is uncivilised? What about open defecation? I think spitting is the least of concerns if human excrements are everywhere. Then again in true Indian fashion, simply ignore the problem and it will "magically" go away for them.
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    Breaking News - China Passes U.S. As World's Biggest Oil Importer

    this was projected when the US started to excavate their own oil. Hardly breaking news.
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    Report: Internet Freedom Plummets in India

    they blocked indians from searching about rape, which resulted in dissatisfaction across the country claiming it as a severe infringement of their internet freedom.
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    China Can Attack Taiwan By 2020, Taipei Says

    China could attack Taiwan in the 90s, those DF-15 that landed only a few dozen miles off the coast of Taiwan during the last Taiwan strait crisis bear testament to it.
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    Are Cantonese le more successful than Mandarin ?

    All the early chinese who went abroad were nearly exclusively from southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian (which is a different dialect). And for majority of the last 70 years, the only exposure western country had to China were through cities like HK and the island of Taiwan. Think of it...
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    How China Lost Its Mojo: One Town's Story

    China sneezes, Taiwan catchs the cold. If China is sick, Taiwan economy ought to be on its death bed.
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    The Launching of the USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier.

    That's why its a ballistic missile and not a cruise missile dummy.
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    The Philippines is Building a New Naval Base in South China Sea

    Why do Pinoy need naval bases, their navy has no boats.
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