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  1. C

    South China Sea Forum

    South Sea Fleet is the strongest fleet of PLAN,it has 9 destoryers,23 frigates,3 coverttes,20+SSKs,4 SSBN,3 LPDs,13 landing ships,4 supply ships etc.Your junk navy will never be stronger than South Sea Fleet.Actually,South Sea Fleet will be stronger and stronger and soon become China's Indian...
  2. C

    China-made power plant performs badly

    Considering that all the power plants in China functions well,this article is just a piece of shit.
  3. C

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    Wrong,USA will remain its GDP No.1 position untill 2020.And even when China overcomes USA in GDP,we still cannot say that China beats USA in economy.
  4. C

    An Exercise For Our Chinese Friends....

    Because the guys dead in that day are the shame of Chinese Nation,we are not willing to make it get abroad.
  5. C

    Manufacturers Are Leaving China

    The truth is the next Indurstry Revolution will take place in China in the coming 2 decades,and by then American will lose all its techonology edge.
  6. C

    An Exercise For Our Chinese Friends....

    So in your opinion,we shuold have let the fucking guys destory our country in1989?Differing from your knowledge,almost every Chinese knows what happened in Tiananmen Square in 4th June,1989 and most Chinese also consider DengXiaoping made a absolutely corret decision to cope with the terrorisits.
  7. C

    Vietnam: domestically missile boats come in couple !!! HQ-377, HQ-378

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!Dear me!!!What awesome boats!!!!I am terrified!!
  8. C

    India, Russia may build supercomputer to rival China's Tianhe-2

    Sunway Bluelight,a supercomputer which is made up of Sunway 1600 CPU made by China,ranks 33 in the Top500 supercomputer list and is faster than all the Indian and Russia computers.Apart from Intel processors,Tianhe 2 also uses thousands of China-made FT1500.And our next gen supercomputer won't...
  9. C

    Brother-in-law of Chinese Nobel winner jailed for 11 years

    This dirty betrayer shuold be put to death.
  10. C

    China: 50 Satellites for Global Surveillance worth $3.3 billion U.S Dollar

    Yes,sometimes ship can't take place of foreign bases.However,China has rent some foreign bases for its satelites,which is also one way to solve this problem.
  11. C

    Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

  12. C

    China: 50 Satellites for Global Surveillance worth $3.3 billion U.S Dollar

    China also uses ships to control satelites.
  13. C

    Did IAF’s 'US-made' C-130J Super Hercules that crashed have fake Chinese parts?

    Maybe you are right.But plz tell me why "fake Chinese planes" like Y8 or Y9 don't crash like this C130J.
  14. C

    Two years built 1st 052D DDG join PLAN now, where anti-ship missile ?

    So your should add the missles for 052D's VLS and then make a comparision.Both China and America's millitary budget doesn't include the money of new weapon's development.
  15. C

    Two years built 1st 052D DDG join PLAN now, where anti-ship missile ?

    Are you sure?Burke class DDG costs 1 billion each. Are you sure?Burke class DDG costs 1 billion each. I was not talking about who are richer.I was talking about military budget.China's military budget will finally go beyond yours,thus you can't keep your military superemacy in western...
  16. C

    Two years built 1st 052D DDG join PLAN now, where anti-ship missile ?

    When Soviet Union was at its peak,its GDP accounted for 60% of America's and its indurstry output was about half of America's.But now China's GDP has been 60% of USA's GDP,while it is still growing at a speed of 7.5% per year.And China's indurstry output is nearly twice of America's.In the next...
  17. C

    Two years built 1st 052D DDG join PLAN now, where anti-ship missile ?

    052D uses VLS to lauch its YJ18 antiship missles.
  18. C

    Shocker for navy, warship's part missing

    Maybe India should reflect how they shuold treat their warships.
  19. C

    China’s Tencent is now a bigger gaming company than Microsoft and Activision

    Actually,i don't know details.Once I saw the news that about half of Tencent's holdings is owned by a South African company,the news report also added that the South African company is controled by ICBC.Maybe #55 can answer your question.
  20. C

    China’s Tencent is now a bigger gaming company than Microsoft and Activision

    Yes.But ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) owns most holdings of the South African company.
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