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  1. D

    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    Im not sure who ram who. Because apart from information provided by both our gov, there isnt a video of Western journalist about what happenned in East Sea. Next why you guys blocked our ships come to rescue sailor of the sinked ship? Even in war I think if that ship is sinked you could either...
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    *** Vietnam Retreats from Oil Rig in South China Sea ***

    the oil ridges move so it is a small win by us. Maybe because CNese gov only move the oil ridges there to test the reaction. Once they know it they move on? VNese has less boats and smaller boats than CNese, our boats get rammed a lot and are circled by CNese, but we still try to be there. I...
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    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    every debate/conversation between CN and VN on this 4rum slowly turn to pure nonsense. You guys should use sources that is not what your gov publish or what write in your history books you taught at high school. Both VN and CN gov published alot of bull shit before, and history books are mostly...
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    Vietnam threatens legal action against China

    I think long time ago, theres a group of Viet ethics around South China-North Vietnam today. They have their own cultures and stuffs and they have nothing to do with those CNese/Han ethics in middle China. However I think their cultures may be sub-par to the cultures of those guys in middle...
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    Vietnam threatens legal action against China

    who the fck care abt who get whose blood? We may all have a blood of some guys live in Africa 30000 years ago, or not? VNese looks abit like South CNese and Thais. And why you guys have to talk about who is more handsome, VN soldiers or CN soldier? really? Arab Saudi and Greece soldier is most...
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    Vietnam threatens legal action against China

    @Grand Historian: you raise the US flag. but you said that we steal your "inventions,culture,surnames,bureaucracy,heroes and claim our lands". I dont think VN steal any of that from US. There are litte to none information abt VN pre Christ is thank to Chinese destroy all of it when they...
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    Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

    to all Vietnamese guys: please stop provoking the Chinese. It will not help our image if everything you guys done is laughing when Chinese ppl suffer. That action is similar with some ill educated Chinese guys on this 4rum: laugh when China warship sinked Vietnamese fishing boat. Both actions...
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    Vietnam threatens legal action against China

    srr if im a bit ill educated, but 12nm is quite nothing. " extension of the territorial waters’ demarcation line to 12 nautical miles" 12nm is about 22 km. So the problem is where was the old "territorial waters’ demarcation line" and when it expand 22km where will it touched. How 22km expansion...
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    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    wtf are you guys talking abt? its really like 1st grade children conversation. If you Chinese think that those islands belong to you prove it. Not by saying those Islands are in South China Sea so its China. South China Sea is chosen as an international name because it is a sea and it is South...
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    Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

    idk why ever1 here is so pro-war. all the chinese guys are like, we are the boss, every1 near us (VN,KR,TW,India, JP,...) have to listen to our will or we will kick their asses. Yes sure you,Chinese, could kick every1 asses but war-fare is not so happy and easy as typing bull-shit on the...
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