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  1. salvage

    I made a J-10

    thanks :cheers:
  2. salvage

    Indian admits Indians have an obsession with Pakistan

    where is the personal attack...i read some of their post where they said Pakistani defence forums are biased...i can edit my post if u want..but some indian has an obsession and he placed it on youtube:lol:
  3. salvage

    For 18+ Pakistani members only

    by 18+ he meant voter eligible age not pics:lol:
  4. salvage

    Indian admits Indians have an obsession with Pakistan

    number of indian trolls on this forum obsession at its best
  5. salvage

    Pakistan threatens to withdraw troops from Pak-Afghan border

    you quoted me now allow me to respond......that dictator got blackmailed....turkey dident got blackmailed and dident gave supply route...its dosent even have nuclear missiles.....there were no suicide attacks in Pakistan before 9/11....suicide attacks started once that dictator made America's...
  6. salvage

    Pakistan threatens to withdraw troops from Pak-Afghan border

    wakhan corridor actually belongs to Pakistan since its inhabitants are same as those living in gilgit baltistan...nuristani people and kalash....britishers just drawed the border this way to strategically hurt Pakistan's geo strategic location....its just 17 km's of gap...who cares...once...
  7. salvage

    PAF quickly put bases on high alert.

    well by gay i meant disabled....dont take it personally.....but you are a sef defeatist just like hassan nisar and naveen naqvi the old model.........american air defence slept for 10 minutes to allow second and third plane to hit tower and pentagon...americans cant foil taleban attacks....what...
  8. salvage

    Pakistan threatens to withdraw troops from Pak-Afghan border

    well sir i will take a break...but there was a dictator who contributed constructively towards the nation.....results are 16 hours of loadshedding...40 thousand dead,,,80 billion worth of damage to economy...so much of construction and develpment...he is now in exile.:wave:
  9. salvage

    Kerala Corner

    dude its kobe and not kope and Japan nor Kopan
  10. salvage

    PAF quickly put bases on high alert.

    what are you?some self defeatist?we could have bombed bagram airbase and other installations in afghanistan inreturn....there are 150,000 americans in afghanistan....america would have recovered from it???why are u talking about this that america could have done this and that.....why not what...
  11. salvage

    Qadhafi to send a delegation to Israel to visit Tzipi Livni ?!

    waiting for some neutral person to translate:coffee:
  12. salvage

    Qadhafi to send a delegation to Israel to visit Tzipi Livni ?!

    he is not an arab....he is an african....king of africa....speaking arabic dosent makes him an arab....he has some local north african geneology:agree:
  13. salvage

    Pakistan threatens to withdraw troops from Pak-Afghan border

    ditto this should have been the norm from day one but we went the otherway and concentrated on enemies of america....what do we care who is america's friend or enemy or why should we make america's enemies our enemies inexchange for dollars and dead fellow country men and a crippled economy...
  14. salvage

    PAF quickly put bases on high alert.

    it not the gun but the man behind the gun similarly numbers and technology dosent matters...its the same taleban who used to live in caves with whom america is now negotiating a safe exit we have nuclear arms and we can deliver them anywhere...thats why we made them and ate grass to raise 6th...
  15. salvage

    PAF quickly put bases on high alert.

    sir the question should be whether america is ready for marna marana or not with trillions of dollars of debt...no gold to back up the green dollar bill and american public sick and tired of receiving body bags
  16. salvage

    Pakistan threatens to withdraw troops from Pak-Afghan border

    sir there were no incursions before 9/11 and this was the safest border on entire globe even without formal policing....did our military installations got attacked before 9/11?this only started once musharaf who was dictator just to secure his future in the form of exile brought dick cheney's...
  17. salvage

    PAF quickly put bases on high alert.

    in an event of full scale war all the american soldiers would have been vapourized in Afghanistan ..we are 180 million and growing:lol: no worries ....we could hit all the american bases within 4500 kilometer radius although the radius is much more....israel could have been...
  18. salvage

    PAF quickly put bases on high alert.

    suppose i am sleeping and person enters my house at night steals my car....yea i do have an explanation that sir i was sleeping so the guy came and stole my car and its logical afterall i am a human who sleeps at night:lol:....but when later on someone tells me that the guy who stole your car is...
  19. salvage

    Pakistan threatens to withdraw troops from Pak-Afghan border

    there is no terror network in Pakistan....why dont u get out of Occupied Kashmir and A,P.....dont worry Americans have lost and are leaving within a year or two....then u know what will happen:lol:
  20. salvage

    Pakistan threatens to withdraw troops from Pak-Afghan border

    why dont you go and fight for and defend america......after 9/11 no one died in america yet 40,000 died in our country....did alqaeda brought down buildings in our country or did they flew the planes from Pakistan?did the learnt flying in Pakistan?Osama was business partner of Bush not Zia ul...
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