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  1. salvage

    My petty Aviation Art(Salvage)

    helicopter is coming soon:agree:
  2. salvage

    Official and Unofficial Aviation Art

    All these can be compiled into a book,Paf can sponsor some sort of Fan Art monthly magazine....Contributors/Artists can be accompanied to different air shows to portray softer image :hang2:
  3. salvage

    PAF JF-17 Thunder along F-16 to participate in Izmir Air Show in Turkey

    listen dude i see you got some problem with JF-17,you are trolling everywhere and posting non-sense...why dont u chill and play with plane thats in your avatar?
  4. salvage

    My petty Aviation Art(Salvage)

    8)Final update...took 4 hours in all:agree:
  5. salvage

    My petty Aviation Art(Salvage)

    5)As you can see i painted over those two persons cause they werent required,i painted the rest of the person bodies,wanted him to wear a helmet and hold and ak-47 in one hand and a brief case...he is flying a diplomat of a friendly country and has to pass over occupied israel:cheers: 6)but...
  6. salvage

    My petty Aviation Art(Salvage)

    hi brothers,i am new here,my hobbies include drawing especially of aeroplanes,i wanted to join airforce as a teenager but by the time i reached college i found out i lacked disciplne,i was lazy to so i decided instead of wasting my and selection committee's time i shoud just call it a day.Since...
  7. salvage

    Official and Unofficial Aviation Art

    man this plane is a beast,i wish they could somehow re-produce it whole airframe with same specs but newer materials,modern avionics and upgraded engines.
  8. salvage

    PAF JF-17 Thunder along F-16 to participate in Izmir Air Show in Turkey

    can we expect JF-17 breaking sound barrier at Izmir?
  9. salvage

    Pakistan Vs India [1965 War]

    maj gen prasad was i guess devoid of all sorts of practical wisdom:bunny:...he could have burnt or blowed it up to prevent it from becoming a war trophy just like americans did to their bird in abbottabad:lol:whats even more interesting is that running back to indian territory on foot seemed...
  10. salvage

    Official and Unofficial Aviation Art

    nice formation,f-16,mirage and the f-7....last one i dont recognise,maybe a star fighter:agree:
  11. salvage

    Official and Unofficial Aviation Art

    sir do u make these?this one is too realistic even in just black and white
  12. salvage

    Rare Pictures of Quaid-e-Azam.

    thanks for sharing,can i use one of the above pics in my avatar?
  13. salvage

    Aviation Artists

    hi,since there are few aviation artists on this forum including m,i think it would be appropriate if another category by the name of aviation artists is added for them just like premium members,think-tank and professionals,we can have competitions to draw a particular plane and then members can...
  14. salvage

    Official and Unofficial Aviation Art

    very nice art,pls guide on me on how to share my work:agree:
  15. salvage

    Aviation Art by Wahaj Ahmed Siddiqui <wAs>

    well mr danger-zone i am must say i am impressed by your art,have you learnt it from somewhere or you are a self-taught?The proportions and rendering/shading is awesome...i like drawing planes too but the problem with me is i draw on other pictures.I see aeroplanes in every picture like say its...
  16. salvage

    sir.mm.alam in 2010

    this man is an undisputed legend:pakistan:
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