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  1. salvage

    US politicians demand to know if there is any GOLD left in Fort knox

    Obama's body language says it all...previously he used to come with this huge grin on his face....look at him now....Obama also paid a tribute to the seals in OBL raid during his speech in which he said they would be pulling out troops from afghanistan....i have this strange feeling that...
  2. salvage

    US politicians demand to know if there is any GOLD left in Fort knox

    this is what happens when u exchange cash for gold.Fedral Reserve which is owned by Israel..they have shipped all gold out of Continental USA
  3. salvage

    Pakistani makes drones for peaceful use

    he should quit using the term drone....UAV or RC toy planes would do good:agree:
  4. salvage

    The Neglected Genius

    he does and he got it too..he served everywhere from PAEC to SUPARCO to IAEA ...by title it seems he is sitting neglected on some foot-path or is under house-arrest. A.Q Khan i must say is neglected and deserves much more:agree:
  5. salvage

    500th Indian “Flying Coffin”

    if u have eyes you might see i dident
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    The Neglected Genius

    I dont think we neglected him..he served at the most important positions,,,took salary and enjoyed privileges and protocol...what if he wasnt invited to some inaugural ceremony?? no big deal
  7. salvage

    Airshow demonstration moves that we would like our jf-17 to do

    breaking the sound barrier and later on breaking it while flying upside down:agree:
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    Hina Rabbani Khar New Foreign Minister

    she changed parties just to enjoy power...before joining PPP she was in PML(Q)....no political ideology of her own
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    Bangladeshi TV channels blocked in India

    the map i posted is authentic....future belongs to Chola Kingdom and West Bengal as a part of greater Bengladesh...enough said.
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    Bangladeshi TV channels blocked in India

    you are either retarded or you do it intentionally:agree: http://www.worldhistorymaps.info/images/East-Hem_900ad.jpg
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    Bangladeshi TV channels blocked in India

    its all in your head//thats why they pay you to troll on this forum all day long....:lol: Cholas kingdom will be someday free
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    Bangladeshi TV channels blocked in India

    this is the place u call india in 900 A.D...you can find it on google...the sort of intellect you possess Cholas Kingdom would best suit you
  13. salvage

    "JF-17 will appear at DubaiAirShow from13-17 Nov11"said CATIC Ma Zhiping

    maybe a vertical climb immediately after take-off:yahoo:
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    Bangladeshi TV channels blocked in India

    lol you,,,india was never one unit before muslims came..piece of land u call india was composed of petty kingdoms freedom will only prevail once they all get independent...even kerala was separate...you can become prime minister of cholas kingdom:lol:
  15. salvage

    Bangladeshi TV channels blocked in India

    wonder how long west bengal will tolerate this....after all they consider them a part of greater bengladesh
  16. salvage

    Hina Rabbani Khar New Foreign Minister

    most unfortunate,,,,Foreign Service of Pakistan nai yeh din bhi dekhna tha:disagree:
  17. salvage

    Pakistan's Intellectual Brain Drain

    good if he left...we have other important stuff to sort out rather than dicussing why he left,,,must have found a better job whatelse...btw he has this unexplainable deception on his face dont know if only i see it or other people can see it too:undecided:
  18. salvage

    Lucky People (Compilation)

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