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  1. boltu

    Bangladesh Air Force

    The thing may be Bangladesh is a small country and thats why AWE&Cs are not in the primary list right now,may be in future !!
  2. boltu

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Probable future modernization plan of BAF.....some of them are confirmed and some are not - Bangladesh Air Force WILL NOT procure the JF-17/FC-1 or J-10. - BAF probably will procure another 16 MiG-29SMT/M2 or 8 MiG-29SMT along with another 16 Su-30MK2s - 80% of Bangladesh Air Force combat...
  3. boltu

    Should we consider a LPD for our Navy ?

    Man you seem to be highly influenced by your signature and i appreciate that.
  4. boltu

    'Suu Kyi also had to struggle like me' : PM Hasina

    Drama queen at it again:cheesy: Not taking the side of BNP but the truth is Khaleda Zia is the one who literally struggled a lot and people know that. And on the other hand our drama queen made her husband Dr.Wajed Mia to struggle through out his life who was a renowned nuclear scientist...
  5. boltu

    Should we consider a LPD for our Navy ?

    Its been a while since BD navy personnels extensively getting training of operating subs in Turkey,South Korea and in some other countries and if i am not wrong the place has already been chosen where the subs are going to be stationed and there will be also a new naval base.
  6. boltu

    Brac boys take PC games to new height

    Didn't know about these things.Then the daily star should be blamed for making a mountain out of a molehill.
  7. boltu

    Brac boys take PC games to new height

    A team of three students from Brac University has developed a massively multi-player online (MMO) game for PCs that can be played by body movements and voice command. They claim that this is the first ever such MMO PC game in the world. MMO is an internet multiplayer video game which is capable...
  8. boltu

    Arrest warrant against 'Bachchu Razakar'

    Yes i loved the show and his answers was always attractive.The man is a very sensible person,i can remember once on his show during Ramadan a man asked whether he can make love with his wife at night in between Iftar and Sehri and i thought he would be embarrassed but nah he took it very lightly...
  9. boltu

    IG asked to create 10,587 posts in police in 3 weeks

    I am neutral here,BNP recruits their people,BAL recruits their people and at the end of the day police gets its own people.And police is already suffering from huge manpower shortage though time limit seems terribly short here !
  10. boltu

    Should we consider a LPD for our Navy ?

    Yes BD navy is smaller than SL navy by numbers of personnel but not by ships i guess,you don't even have a single frigate other than some OPVs and speed boats !! no offence bro And btw a humongous modernization plan for BN already on the roll...
  11. boltu

    Iran in Bollywood

    And Morgan Freeman is god :D
  12. boltu

    China to invest US$ 50 billion in the Hambantota port city.

    Good luck with that Sri Lanka,you people got an amazing leader,,,And look at our big mouth Prime minister always talking craps,doing nothing.In administrative works women are good for nothing:disagree:,at least in Bangladesh.
  13. boltu

    Rafale vs sukhoi 30 mki

    Thus the later one takes the cake as in today's scenario dogfight is obsolete though looks good in airshows. btw,In English its Bengali but in Bangla its Bangali...
  14. boltu

    Rafale vs sukhoi 30 mki

    Kichu na dada,shudhu bollam je pashchima ra Roosh der chey technologically onek beshi agiye !! you Bangali ?? or i just wasted a line here:P
  15. boltu

    Rafale vs sukhoi 30 mki

    Western machines always have an upper hand over Russian ones,as simple as that
  16. boltu

    Russian professors for nuclear 101?

    Nice find mate,in a way we can also call it our first nuke but the difference is nuke holder would also die here:D
  17. boltu

    Russian professors for nuclear 101?

    Wow so many good and unknown infos,didn't know we reached that high,,, and now that low.But yes this kinds of silly decisions should not be welcomed, when we have plenty of ours then why to hire foreigners and that even for the basic ones. shame shame puppy shame to BAL:fie:
  18. boltu

    Is the AL shifting its India policy?

    The thing is it doesn't matter how much shifts AL makes now the ultimate result will be that they'll bite the dust in the next election.The dark spot on peoples mind created by AL's evil deeds through out the tenure is way too big and deep that even Indian top detergents won't be able to clean...
  19. boltu

    The war that might take place against Iran by Israel, US and its Allies

    The world has already witnessed the special thing,,,look at your thread man,what could be more special than this:D ^^just kidding bro
  20. boltu

    Yunus should have no role in selecting Grameen MD: Muhith

    BAL idiots at their idiocracy again !!
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