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  1. Bob Ong

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Keep it up Philippines! This economic GROWTH shows the Philippine economy NOT dependent on CHINESE or Taiwanese THREAT of ECONOMIC sabotage. This is the prayer of the vast majority of Filipinos worldwide, for the Philippine economy to grow and the country to progress. Well Japan had constant 7...
  2. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    open your small eyes for you to see it :rofl:
  3. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Oh well this really made my day. :omghaha: Nyt :sleep:
  4. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    you better ask first your fisherman why they ramp PH patrol boat and why they are in the Philippine waters? Our coastguard are not ignorant to just fired those fisherman without a reason...may your fisherman catches a illegal marine species and try to bump PH boat to avoid confiscation. Ok, we...
  5. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    But before that will happen. I'll make sure to shoot you first on your head LOL You don't even have a country of your own. You're just renegades. That's what you are. Thieves.
  6. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Our coastguard followed the rules of engagement. Warnings shots were even fired. But your st-p-d poacher, Hung, didn't budge and tried to ram his ship. What do you expect our coastguard would do, eh? He got what he asked for. Of course, he'd be sh*t
  7. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    now that's scary. now we know who's really barbaric :eek:
  8. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    I think the ROC government has claimed sovereignty over all of "China", in a definition that includes mainland China and Outer Mongolia, as well as Taiwan and has vowed to retake the power back from the Communist soon. So China better get ready :lol:
  9. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Filipino assaulted by 4 Taiwanese in Tainan The China Post/Asia News Network Saturday, May 18, 2013 TAIPEI, Taiwan - Police confirmed that a Philippine worker was attacked by four Taiwanese and beaten with iron sticks and baseball bats in Tainan City on May 16 following the recent heated...
  10. Bob Ong

    Philippine killing of Taiwanese fisherman is crime against humanity

    Hilarious thread. :omghaha: So many hate-threads against the Philippines these days made by delusional Chinese troll :rofl:
  11. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    MECO chief blames Taiwan media for worsening tensions (philstar.com) | Updated May 18, 2013 MANILA, Philippines - There seems to be a hate campaign against Filipinos by Taiwanese media, the Philippines' top representative to Taipei said Saturday. "Emotions run high in Taiwan. Parang may...
  12. Bob Ong

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    Tit for Tat. Let's boycott products made in Taiwan. This Taiwanese over-reaction is getting out of hand. I think, if Filipino workers will leave Taiwan, defienitely Taiwan will also be affected economically, as Pinoys are hardworkers and they will be forced to hire from other countries who can't...
  13. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Taiwan is really very persistent in their agenda to get US support. So no wonder if their reporter got palmed on her face :omghaha: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  14. Bob Ong

    US refuses to condemn shooting of fisherman

    heto reakyon nya after :omghaha:
  15. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    duh the incident happened deep in the Batanes Group of Islands. The islands were erased when shown by the Taiwanese media and they made it appear that the area is in disputed area. Your government-controlled media lied to you.
  16. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    They're technically our ally yet it would seem that they don't want to solve this through diplomacy. They probably are being harassed by China into doing this. If both would go to war against each other, we'll just fall into China's game. Both countries will suffer terrible losses. China will be...
  17. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Nice memes. Taiwan is a US ally, using US-supplied arms to threaten another US ally. I would give up my right hand just to hear the dressing down that stupid Ma is going to get from Washington! :lol:
  18. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    They want joint investigation then they have to course through proper channels. They have to make an official request. SANCTION US if they want...they act as if they control the Philippine economy :omghaha:
  19. Bob Ong

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Your acting irrational, it is not even new you've been poaching regularly at our surrounding sea. Your President sounds absurd in his demands. He's just governing a renegade Island and not a legitimate sovereign nation. Taiwan should act more maturely and not condemning the entire Philippine...
  20. Bob Ong

    Taiwan boat returning after Vietnam interception

    Coudn't agree more! Let your tanks rolled to Taiwan just like in Tiananmen Square. :yay:
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