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  1. Bob Ong

    Philippines near Pact to increase U.S. troops, Aquino Says

    In the absence of credible military deterrent, aligning the country with those of the US military is the only viable option. To prevent Chinese excursion into Philippine territories, help must come from those that can best project military power. At this moment only the US is strong enough to...
  2. Bob Ong

    US military may have secretly returned to Subic Bay in Philippines

    We should give credit to China for forcing the Philippines to be more pro-US.
  3. Bob Ong

    China urges Philippines to respect its sovereignty

    Last year, Philippines asked the United Nations arbitration tribunal to rule on the validity of China's claim to most of the sea, but China has refused to be part of the process. And is anyone surprised?
  4. Bob Ong

    We're China's Czechoslovakia, says Philippines

    China'a backlash at Aquino reminds me of the old adage - "The truth often hurts". Aquino is exactly correct, China is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Hitler. First Hitler wanted Alsace-Lorraine back from France, then it was the Sudetenland and then Austria, then Czechoslovakia, then the Polish...
  5. Bob Ong

    What If China Did Invade Pag-asa Island (Thitu island)?

    China's arrogance is getting extreme. The Philippines should allow Pag-Asa Island as the new base for U.S. military. Let's see what these Chinese can do. Install a powerful radar and communication system in the area for a constant contact in the mainland and equip the area with missile...
  6. Bob Ong

    North Korea Calls Shinzo Abe 'Asian Hitler'

    That's just the best statement ever describing what China is doing. A timely reminder that history repeat itself if we don't learn from them. The Truth hurts!
  7. Bob Ong

    China slams Philippine leader for Hitler comparison

    This naive and the gullible idiot wants to believe that China will be convinced by begging and sweet talk through bilateral engagement. Do you know that Scarborough is only 124 miles away from Philippines and it is over 500 miles from China's nearest coast? Just because other leaders in the...
  8. Bob Ong

    China slams Philippine leader for Hitler comparison

    So, what should we call the Chinese Premier Xi? A stupid buffon, blood sucking and baby fetus eating politician? China can't accept the fact that they are acting like the German NAZIs in their quest to bully its way to invade the whole SCSea, Senkaku and parts of India? Chinese ought to be...
  9. Bob Ong

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Yeah win my azz shitty hired 50c troll. Moronic gibberish comment not worth answering and who the hell cares what you are thinking, you are just a nuisance for the Pinoys. :omghaha:
  10. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    Dear China: if you claim those islands as yours, FIGHT for it DIPLOMATICALLY in UN Court! This is the 21st Century, not some Dynasty! :omghaha:
  11. Bob Ong

    Philippines Defence Forum

    WARNING: This poster Fsjal is a paid 50c party troll. His comments at best worth a dime. Take his posts with a grain of salt. :omghaha:
  12. Bob Ong

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Give Aquino a break. He's also part Chinese. :rofl: I wanna lighten up your day! May the Hong Kong journalists learned the lesson in this event. :lol:
  13. Bob Ong

    Philippines Defence Forum

    We should really start getting our own machinery for air,land and water assets. While the talks were on progress we need to build our defenses just in case it went wrong. Being prepared is better than to regret later. Our enemy is at our doorstep.
  14. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    I think China wanted to have mind games with us thinking that a small country like ours would fall like a piece of paper. When the result of the arbitrary is out in Philippines' favor then whatever the Philippine government decides to do in West Philippine Sea will be done lawfully and...
  15. Bob Ong

    4,000 fighters ready to strike in East Malaysia, claim Filipino rebels

    Yeah, also greediness these issue is all about. That's what greedy people do! Unfortunately, greedy people just can't get enough no matter how rich they are or successful they may be. They are always looking for someone to gobble. China's greediness is a good example.
  16. Bob Ong

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Typical pygmy symptoms your limited knowledge can be boosted to above moronic level. Anyway you need to refine your trolling technique so you can bait more :omghaha:
  17. Bob Ong

    Moro National Liberation Front resumes armed struggle against Philippines

    50 cents a post making a living. :omghaha: Spare us your moronic premise & conclusion. Everyone knows you are spreading pig crap and could care less about your lies moron.
  18. Bob Ong

    American and Philippines demographic engineering against Moro Muslims

    LOL what a comedian. You even use the terrorist site as your trusted reference :omghaha: Clearly you have no clue about Mindanao. FYI only 25% of Mindanao population are Muslims dumbo. Oh well the CCP likes their citizens to be dumb and stupid like you. Some moron Muslims like Misuari has this...
  19. Bob Ong

    Changing Colonial era Names (Philippines, Indonesia)

    What's in the name game? Philipp = Philippines, Amerigo = Americans, (Looney) Qin = China? we are all named after a person. Yeah sure we are named after King Phillip, a glorious king and your named after a lunatic who thinks he will live forever by drinking poison, boom. He died, and buried...
  20. Bob Ong

    Philippines Defence Forum

    There's a saying "A just war is better than an unjust peace" Isa lang ang ginawang tama ni Erap ng panahon niya, ginera nya ang mga muslim na ito and we almost accomplished our mission kung hindi lang sumingit ang 'peaceloving' mediators. Pagkatapos ng peace treaty sa MNLF, kumalas ang MILF...
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