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  1. D

    US Senate toughens Iranian sanctions

    The US War machine itches for battle once again. The real bloodthirsty ones are not in the Middle East, or China, but in the Pentagon. The CIA infiltrated media will try to make up stories about Iranian aggression again. Yes, Al Jazeera is already compromised by the CIA. Al Jazeera is now...
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    Living in a world without the West

    Ironically, the actor that's most responsible for propping up the Western Nations is... none other than China. China's insistence on shipping real goods for pieces of paper known as treasuries is allowing the West (read: America) to focus its resources on the military. Chinese people...
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    Taiwan: No tie-up with China in disputed sea

    Whether it's the Republic of CHINA or the People's Republic of CHINA, it's still CHINA. There's nothing anyone else can do or say to influence that. Taiwan will return to be part of China one day. It's not a matter of 'if', it's a matter of 'when'.
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    China’s influence increasingly positive in Western countries

    While looking at these surveys are interesting, they are absolutely useless in gauging the true influence amongst nations. Do you truly believe people in Western countries would side with China over the US? or that China has more influence than the US? honestly? These pictures are for...
  5. D

    China attacks Vietnam gunboats in the South China Sea!

    Die hard nationalists don't go around trying to make enemies for China. You realize that he deliberately uses words that make China the aggressor? "Attacked" "Invaded" "Killed Civilians" etc. Those are not the words of a nationalist. He makes up stories about Chinese violence. Those are the...
  6. D

    China attacks Vietnam gunboats in the South China Sea!

    Sinochallenger ain't Chinese. He's a loser who pretends to be chinese. He uses words like 'attacked' 'invaded' etc to paint China as an aggressor. He cannot even converse in Chinese. Prolly some loser with a vendetta against China or something.
  7. D

    What is the U.S. strategy in the South China Sea?

    US strategy is simple. Exploit the antagonism between China and the rest of Asia in land disputes for diplomatic points. Without actually fighting, of course. Americans are smart enough to stir the pot without getting its cloths dirty. They have no interest in peace, but only exploit the...
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    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    Per capita income is a fallacy? hmm. Tell that to the IMF and the other powers who still track it for some odd reason. 1978 is chosen because we're comparing MAO's policies, not DENG's. It's a more apt comparison.
  9. D

    China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff

    The US won't go to war with China over the territorial claims. They'll talk with the Philippines and threaten, cajole, until they agree to back down. The corporate interests in China are far too great. You think GM won't talk Obama's ears off if their largest selling region is in jeopardy...
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    Indonesia warns of 'mistrust' over US base in Australia, Supports China

    Tibet, despite all the screaming and shouting by foreigners, will remain Chinese. Tibet's population and average standard of living shot up under Chinese rule. The facts are not in dispute. As for Indonesia supporting China, I fully expect Indonesia to support Chinese action in SEA. There...
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    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    Excellent. You're arguing my case for me. Remember that we're talking about MAO's policies here. Let's take China's GDP in 1978 as an example: China: 312 PPP $ 1978 Hong Kong: 4,789 PPP $ 1978 Korea, South: 2,141 PPP $ 1978 Japan: 7,292 PPP $ 1978 Data here: GDP Per Capita, PPP...
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    Y-20 prototype

    ahhh... so you're not disputing us and admit to deliberately mistranslating the Article? Now that you've been found out, NOW you finally come up with the real translation? LOL, exposing you is easier than I thought. Hey, you didn't throw in another " WE MUST NUKE THE WORLD" comment. At least...
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    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    nope. ROC was equally incompetent. Especially at retaining territory. ROC was corrupt, its people were idiotic. They didn't have the will of the people, that's why they lost. There is no golden age of ROC. China had a political battle between idiots and misguided peasants. The fact of...
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    2012 BBC Global Opinion Poll released: China rises, EU declines

    Surprisingly, Japanese people are not anti-China. Koreans are also mostly not Anti-China. There will be right wing haters in both countries, but they hate all equally. There are hard core communists in China that hate Japan and Korea too, but that doesn't mean they're mainstream. I suspect...
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    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    By the way. Here's a thought to anyone from other countries reading our discussions about China. Be you from Philippines, India, Vietnam, US, where ever. Note that though we may disagree on finer points with other Chinese, We are united in one point: The territorial integrity of China...
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    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    A lot of that was due to the resilience of the Chinese people. Regardless of who was in power, Chinese people will recover and prosper due to our ability to take hardships and work hard for a better future. The same goes for Japan and South Korea, and Taiwan and Hong Kong. How can you argue...
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    Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'

    Mao's regime was one of the most repressive and brutal in Chinese history. It's a sad page in the history of the Middle Kingdom. However, he did accomplish one thing, that most Chinese today are grateful for: THE INTEGRITY OF THE CHINESE MAINLAND Other than this, he was a great military...
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    China imports losing ground in India

    This is great news for both India and China. It means 2 things: China is moving up the Value Chain, and India's finally starting the first parts of industrialization.
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    India steps into Philippines-China spat over South China Sea

    India won't do anything. It's not in their national interest to do anything. They, like the US, will remain neutral. Bottom line is, India and the US won't risk war with China to protect a shoal off the Philippine coast. There's too much at risk here financially.
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    China local brands brace for onslaught from abroad

    no dumbass. Vehicles are designed for operating efficiency, safety, and lastly cost optimization. Aren't you tired of flying a false korean flag yet?
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