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  1. D

    Indian Navy #1 fleet called in Shanghai port

    Very true. Some people think that Technology = Western, when it is not the case at all. China has many of its own technical progresses to be proud of. There's still much to go, but China should not reject technology on the basis of "Western" or "nonwestern". Progress is progress, no matter...
  2. D

    U.S. firm, subsidiaries admit role in sending military software for Z-10

    You guys are hilarious if you think that China industry derives a significant part of its development from external sources. Here's the reality: Say you were handed full blueprints of the technology in question, say aircraft engines, you are still missing the majority of processes needed for...
  3. D

    China Economy Forum

    Sounds good, but unfortunately you don't know what you're talking about. The Superconducting magnetic separator is used primarily in earth and mineral processing. It's used to separate magnetic and weakly magnetic particles in ores from each other and from non-magnetic particles. There are...
  4. D

    China's giant, quiet step in space

    The US was the one who refused China entry into the International Space Station. The reason? They didn't feel China could contribute. LOL. It's the same story with the Europeans and their Galileo. China got fed up and started our own Beidou system. Good thing that we did. Because...
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    Vietnam's Su-27s mount first Spratly patrols from Phu Cat

    Bad move. The last thing Vietnam should do is force China's hand. China's leaders are under pressure to act tough. The domestic audience has had enough of provocations from some of the more daring neighbors. If this continues, I think China will act. If this develops into a...
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    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    You're absolutely right. America > China in every way. China won't catch up militarily for at least 100 years (as Lee Kuan Yew has said). Not too sure what Americans are worried about. Nothing but paper tiger here.
  7. D

    A Chinese spring?

    Most outsiders, including you, look at Tiananmen through rose-colored glasses. I can tell you that had Tiananmen succeeded, China would not be where it is today economically. Tiananmen was started as a result of worker rights. Students in Tiananmen demanded a stop to the economic...
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    A Chinese spring?

    In case you didn't know... Laughing at other people's misfortunes and gloating over poor people is also bad form. It was not so long ago that China was in a similar position.
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    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    Guys, there is no point arguing in an online forum about the superior quality of Chinese weapons/tactics over Western ones. Remember one of Sun Tzu's tenets. When able, you must appear unable, and vice versa. It's to our advantage to let the military be underestimated. Never forget this...
  10. D

    A Chinese spring?

    My Quote: Your Answer: See how you fail reading comprehension? I said that Chinese people DID NOT choose their leadership, then you come around and refute me with the exact statement that I made. You're a perfect example of how the Indian education system failed its people. Quite sad...
  11. D

    A Chinese spring?

    Well. Allow me summarize this argument between some Indians and Chinese. The People of China has chosen Food, Money, and Progress over the right to choose their own leaders. The People of India has chose the right to choose their own leaders over Money and Progress. I say, To each their...
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    India Scraps Domestic Jet Engine Plan

    I actually believe that India does have the ability to do it, however corruption and bad organization always kills the best of efforts. Engine development also takes years of experimenting with new materials, techniques, engineering methods etc. You can't simply jump on it and expect to be...
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    Indian Americans ahead of all other ethnic minorities in US

    BREAKING NEWS: Corporate IT Workers earn more than average people. More at 11. Good for Indian Americans, but really... it's an effect of self selection. The important thing isn't that Indian Americans are succeeding, it's that India's failing. Successful people are successful where ever...
  14. D

    China sent missile vehicles to N. Korea

    Wow, excellent response. Well crafted and backed up with facts. If this was a debate, That griffin guy would've gotten destroyed.
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    India - forget 1962

    He's mentally disabled. His antics on the web are his only solace in life. You guys should really feel sorry for the guy. As for 1962... Conflicts sometimes happen between nations. It's inevitable. Even family members sometimes get into fights with each other. The important thing is...
  16. D

    Korea as Number One

    How the hell did you guys manage to turn this thread into a thread about power lines? Hint: no one cares. Go away. Get a job.
  17. D

    Seoul seeks military deal with Beijing

    The Koreans are wise to the fact that the Americans are using them as fodder in a high stakes geopolitical game. Think about it, if conflict breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, who suffers? US? They're 15 thousand miles away. China? You can't beat China on land. It will be Korea...
  18. D

    US Seeks Vietnamese Base to Counter China

    I thought that was an important point, so I bolded it. Hosting an US base is a fool's errand. You'll get dragged into any conflicts between China and the US and end up as cannon fodder. Stay neutral, and don't give either US or China a reason to attack you. It's the best (and only) policy.
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    Korean audiences complain Chinese child circus as child abuse.

    for once I agree with you. China should get rid of these circuses. It's bad form to force children into performances like these. It stunts their growth and prevents them from pursuing real life opportunities, like an education. These kids should be forceably taken out of the care of the...
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    Why Asia Wants America

    I don't know why Asia wants America, but I'll tell you why America wants Asia. America want Asia to be Cannon Fodder. The US will cheer nations like Viet Nam and Philippines on in their battle with China. It costs the Americans nothing but empty promises. Think about it, if war comes on...
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