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  1. D

    Former Australian PM: The US must share power with China

    I used to think that Asia's conflicts are avoidable without the threat of military action. I have now seen that the US is determined to hold on to every single ounce of power and not let go. The US is clearly supporting any nation that can counter China, and this is a very, very bad sign...
  2. D

    If there is a war between China - Viet Nam in SCS

    You need to read up some more on the Qing. The Qing dynasty by and large is a continuation of the Han dynasties before it. The culture, language, and governmental institutions are all Han. The ethnic makeup of the ruling class is irrelevant in determining the civilization (in fact, the...
  3. D

    If there is a war between China - Viet Nam in SCS

    China's a lot closer to being comparable with the US in its coastal regions than you think. Furthermore, China isn't necessarily afraid of a limited conflict that can redirect citizen anger against a foreign invasion. A united China is a China that is not beatable. If there's a conflict in...
  4. D

    Xinhua story about a sniper competition!

    They're just desparately trying to prove their agenda. Give them a break. It's not easy being jealous. To the other dolts: check your facts before you believe a dumb poster. China did indeed win in total scoring in 14 outta 17 categories.
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    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    Oooookaaay. Lets try this again. What does this statement have to do with my original point again? Care to explain your logic to the audience here?
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    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    More conjecture and what-if scenarios. Imaginary history fun for you? Read up on real history and see what happened to the Europeans in China without fighting a war. Quite disappointed in your points. Weak, unsupported, and does not address the point at hand. I feel like I'm arguing with...
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    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    Europeans did not "Carve china into pieces". They got concessions from a weak Qing Government prior to the dynastic revolution. Carving China into pieces implies they got large pieces of land, not isolated territories within cities like Shanghai and Hong Kong. You're going off completely in...
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    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    Japan never had a chance of holding China unless Japan would integrate itself into China. Much like the Manchus, Japan itself would disappear if they attempted such a thing. Remember, Japan in the 1930's was at the peak of its power vis-a-vis China, fighting against a China *BEFORE*...
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    China Economy Forum

    It's been a long time since I've been accused of not knowing anything about economics, but I'm glad you guys pointed things out that does not make sense to you. First of all, the ideas I have written are not new. It was first proposed in the 1940's - 50's, by a guy named Friedriche Hayek...
  10. D

    China Economy Forum

    Plaza accord was not as bad for Japan as you think. The biggest immediate effect of the accords was to raise the yen from 200+ to about 120+ yen. This was actually beneficial for Japan, because one of the supposed "bad" effects of currency appreciation was that you lose your export business...
  11. D

    History of China

    That picture is in fact FLAWED. Read the methodology. For some odd reason, India includes all the lands of current day India, but they did not include the lands of current China. India was not one nation back then. They were all separate countries that for some reason this guy decided to...
  12. D

    Why the time for a China-India water treaty is now

    Yet another article by CNN to create trouble where there isn't any. It's been this way for thousands of years. What's the change now? There's not gonna be much impact downstream as China as said. Now if India pisses China off and becomes hostile, that's exactly when China may just cut off...
  13. D

    US Senator McCain warns China over move on disputed islands

    Let me translate that to plain English for the dumb people. The US is saying "We won't lift a finger to help, but we'll gladly take any military bases you're offering up for free because you're scared sh*tless by China." Clear enough?
  14. D

    China censors anniversary of high-speed rail crash

    Chinese censorship is one of the dumbest moves ever by a nation. yeah, Like no one knows about the crash. mmhmm. It's like they're still treating people like 5 year olds. If you want to do propaganda and censorship, do it right. Be like the US. Don't hide FACTS. Mention all the...
  15. D

    US Senator McCain warns China over move on disputed islands

    Is that why McCain's 'gook' comment is smart as well? You guys are so blind you can't see the truth. He's just trying to stir up trouble because the US has no stake in the region. They're trying to egg the stupid countries on to confront China while not lifting a finger to help. They are...
  16. D

    China Economy Forum

    Chinese technology is getting better faster than I expected. It's about the only country that has such a comprehensive list of advances in whole slew of technologies in many different fields. China, however, needs to liberalize more. The command economy results in misallocation of...
  17. D

    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    but it's true. White people have expanded beyond their original lands. They took over Australia and North America and murdered millions and took over their land. If Americans truly want to defend the rights of the natives, they should give back the entire US to the Native Americans and go...
  18. D

    China now more popular than the U.S., poll says

    Interesting how the Pew research results contradict the BBC results. I've always known that the EU is much more favorable to China than US polls, but didn't expect such a big difference. Seems to me like the US is one of the few Anti-China bastions left in the West. Most of the rest, EU...
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    China Economy Forum

    lol, go ahead and bash to your heart's content. go ahead, talk tough on a forum. Nope, that's not a symptom of insecurity at all. Internet tough guys are like the coolest guys around. You guys must not have much to be cheerful about in real life to be so full of rage and hate. But go...
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    China cut up as India allows Taiwanese Consulate in Chennai.

    To India: Switch recognition if you want. Just know that there are diplomatic consequences. We actually don't mind the Republic of China (Taiwanese government for now), it's just the Taiwanese separatists that we don't appreciate. Anyhow, letting them set up an consulate is India's...
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