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  1. D

    U.S. Intensifies Military Encirclement of China

    Do you really believe what you wrote above? really? Do you think NATO acts at all without US consent? Tell me one instance where NATO went against the wishes of the US.
  2. D

    U.S. Intensifies Military Encirclement of China

    Oh the irony in this post. LOL
  3. D

    The MYTH of PLAN Power.

    What can I say. You guys got us. The PLA has no power. The J-20, J-31 prototypes are all radio controlled model planes. The BEIDOU 2 COMPASS satellites are actually flying rocks that do nothing. The Varyag is a casino/restaurant/movie theatre. The 052Ds in the shipyards are actually huge...
  4. D

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    Epoch Times is run by some members of the pro-green party which advertise independence from China, but receive part of its funding through NGOs (from the usual suspects). Their news feature typical propaganda.
  5. D

    New Chinese stealth fighter heightens dilemma for Indian Navy

    don't forget about the Chinese GPS. When Europe did their Galileo, they excluded China because they believed China brought nothing to the table. Then China launches and beat the Europeans at their own game. Started 2 years late, and still beat the Europeans. If you Indian dudes were...
  6. D

    India wants Gorshkov in 6 months; says Further Delay will invite Penalty

    This means that India's 100% better than China! Because China plans to make no Aircraft Carriers. Wait. That would make India infinity times better than China. Wow, color me impressed.
  7. D

    China aims to become world technological power by 2049

    Argue? against what? Against this pearl of wisdom from you? Why would I do that? Please do continue with your racist rant. I'm all ears.
  8. D

    2 U.S. carriers deployed

    Does anyone want to doubt whether this SinoChallenged dude isn't Chinese now? What kinda Chinese would characterize the claiming of Diaoyu as "bullying"? This guy belongs in the insane asylum.
  9. D

    China aims to become world technological power by 2049

    - Unnecessary Anger - Check - Personal Attack - Check - Racist Namecalling against Muslims - Check - Tough Internet Guy - Check! Gentlemen, I believe we have an angry white dude on our hands. Better keep tabs on this one, he's also a racist. He might just pull a Anders Breivik someday.
  10. D

    India wants Gorshkov in 6 months; says Further Delay will invite Penalty

    I agree with you. Please tell me more about how Russians refuse to sell China Arrestors and how China is technically incapable of manufacturing wire. Also, please elaborate more on how "Indian military hardware owns Chinese in every aspect". I completely agree, I just need you to tell me...
  11. D

    Aircraft carrier is a glorified training ship per NY times article

    There's no need to try to convince Americans that they're falling behind. They actually already know it, they just have trouble admitting it. It's why some Americans attack China. Fear. It's the same reason why Americans attacked Japan in the 80's when they thought Japan was about to...
  12. D

    No plan to build second aircraft carrier: China

    It's not that the Russians tricked the Indians. It's more that the Russians slipped some Indian military officials a couple million dollars, and then the Indian Official gave the Russians a billion dollar contract. Both Russia and Indian Military officials win! Russians get their billion...
  13. D

    China’s Incompetent Navy & the Reason for New Air-Craft Carrier

    You know whats REALLY absurd? The US Department of Defense. Why are they named the Department of Defense when it's clear that the US has used its DOD resources for pure offense in the past 50 years? Who's invading the US? Are the Canadians invading with their coast guard? So tell me...
  14. D

    Aircraft carrier is a glorified training ship per NY times article

    I just wanted to clear something up here for everyone's benefit. Yes, the Liaoning is a training ship. The soldiers are there to look tough and party all night long. Nothing to fear from this ship. It's all for show. No, China is not capable of manufacturing anything worthwhile. Not...
  15. D

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    ummm... no. Look at the smooth texture of the underbelly.
  16. D

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    I dunno, I wanna like the T-50, but a casual glance at pics shows the level of worksmanship leaves much to be desired. The ill-fitting panels, various bumps and rivets. Compare that to the J-20, you can barely see the seams. In fact the seams are fitted so perfectly that people actually...
  17. D

    Chinese bricks failed vikramaditya

    That reminds me, the Indian military establishment better make sure to source at least some items from China in each of their long-delayed projects like Tejas and Kaveri. Why? In case they fail, you can blame China!
  18. D

    Chinese bricks failed vikramaditya

    Like it or not the Russians are ultimately responsible for testing and make sure the bricks fit specifications. Sounds like they slacked a bit and didn't do their due diligence. You know what's hilarious though? The Russians sell an overpriced ship to the Indians, it blows up, and...
  19. D

    1,000 Chinese boats headed for Senkakus

    ok. Wake me up when acting tough gets you the Islands back. You don't get islands back by acting tough. You get islands back by overwhelming strength, either economically or militarily. If you're strong enough, one word is all it will take, and Japan will hand the islands over hand over...
  20. D

    1,000 Chinese boats headed for Senkakus

    So tell me this, what did the China get for the demonstrations? Is Diaoyu not nationalized by the Japanese? Did Noda withdraw the nationalization? If not, what good did it do? Demonstrations and cries of indignity are for weak nations who cannot do anything against the aggressor. It's why...
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