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  1. D


    Japan's populace is very peace loving. Of that I have no doubt. Japanese people are actually very anti-war, if you bother to read up anything about Japan. Japan's politicians, on the other hand, are not. There are too many right wing politicians wanting to stir up tensions to relive the...
  2. D

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    By the way, I'm pretty disappointed with the level of discourse from Vietnamese and Filipino members here. So far, I see scant evidence of deep thought or even a hint of consciousness from the posts. Is there nothing more you can offer other than China bad, China aggressive, SCS is ours etc...
  3. D

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    You should. Go ahead and try because as we speak, the Taiwanese are warming up to China. The taiwanese independence movement is in shambles, and their political party has already abandoned the cause. You should read up on recent events. The Taiwanese independence movement is, for all...
  4. D

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    lol, so angry. No keep to get angry on an internet forum. Sounds like someone needs a hug! No, I don't want to kill half of California. (OK, Maybe some of the actors in LA deserve a good beating, but I'm good with most Californians!) I'm just pointing out how weak and stupid your argument...
  5. D


    Article is right on the mark. There were mistakes made by China too on the issue with the Diaoyu islands. China shouldn't have emit a beep until it was time to show their hands. Dumb mistakes by the foreign ministry. They shout when they shouldn't, and keep silent when they should. China...
  6. D

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    As much as I am impressed with your ability to invent words out of thin air (that's a great one btw, familize, AWESOME!)., I can't help but admire your logic that Native Americans got a good deal because the Feds let them keep some exemptions and their land and allow them to build casinos after...
  7. D

    Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

    Imperialistic? No. China merely wishes to reclaim its territory lost to Western and Japanese invasions throughout the last hundred years. Though I can see why Russians would be nervous. Afterall, Russians claim large parts of Manchurian lands as their own and created Mongolia out of thin...
  8. D

    Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

    That would be suicidal. You're implying that China lack the ability to replicate Japanese know-how and the capital to invest in its own country. Both assumptions have been proven wrong in spades in the past couple of decades.
  9. D

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    If this is true, then America is the most barbaric nation of the past century.
  10. D

    White man saves drowning Chinese woman

    by pointing out it was a white man, are you making an assumption that a man of colour (i.e. black, or Chinese, or Asian) would not have done the same? Or are you saying that white people saving Asians are rare and deserves special mention and recognition? Why would you point it out...
  11. D

    Expert: China should develop larger aircraft carriers armed with new-concep

    sigh.... pulling numbers outta your *** again. 100+ CARGO ships? cmon man, you know better than that.
  12. D

    Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

    in this day and age, whoever has the best radars and missiles, and are stealthy enough to evade the enemy's radars wins. Air frame is only the carrier of weapons, and the weapons platform is only one part of a comprehensive military strategy. I'd actually be more impressed if the kills were...
  13. D

    Japan exports fall for fifth consecutive month

    Someone tell that kid the board she's holding, the marker pen she used to write the message, and the face mask are all Made in China.
  14. D

    U.S. Intensifies Military Encirclement of China

    You really need to understand the difference between DE FACTO control vs DE JURE control, meaning the difference between the letter of the law and in actual practice. The US exercises de facto control over NATO. This, is not in dispute. Practically speaking, Nothing gets done in NATO without...
  15. D

    Ishihara rattles saber against China

    Agreed. It's an ominous sign, and the future for Japan looks worrying if right wing politicians continue to poison and control the political climate amongst the 2 countries. That's why I'm saying, take the power out of the those politicians. Don't react to them. The more you react and...
  16. D

    Ishihara rattles saber against China

    True, but the fact remains China should act according to China's own interests. There are good moves, and there are dumb moves in geopolitics. Blind nationalism without an end goal is a dumb move. Being reactive, rather than active, is a dumb move. When you move, you should be ready to...
  17. D

    U.S. Intensifies Military Encirclement of China

    no, I actually do not think that UN is a puppet of the US at all. That's why it's got some power. That's the reason why Americans in the Bush era got so frustrated with the UN. It's a body that sometimes can and do go against US wishes. That makes it a legitimate body in my eyes. Now for...
  18. D

    South China Sea Forum

    I actually welcome the US presence in the SCS. Peace right now is essential to progress. What china needs now isn't war, but peace to continue to develop. Let the Americans pay for the peace. It's actually to China's benefit that they're there. It will keep the extremists and the...
  19. D

    Ishihara rattles saber against China

    I think overly nationalistic sentiment by Chinese people is actually harmful to Chinese interests in the region. It's best not to take the words of a crazy man like Ishihara too seriously. I bet if you looked hard enough you can find someone in China equally as crazy as Ishihara, except on...
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    U.S. Intensifies Military Encirclement of China

    Vietnam is not an enemy of China, we know that. I think most Chinese people realize that there are better things to worry about than Vietnamese allying with the West. Vietnamese simply have too independent a spirit to join another faction. However, on the SCS front, China cannot make...
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