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  1. E

    Thailand 'sick man of Asia'?

    Vietnam too always ally with the stronger... except Viets are too stupid and always make the bad choice...even now Viets are allying with the US and hating on China while Thais are trying to have good relations with China...one is smart enough to chose good allies and the other one is stupid...
  2. E

    Netanyahu: Israel-China ties hold great promise

    Co operation is good...just don't forget their special relationship with the US...
  3. E

    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    Intermarriage is good. Improve people to people relations. Sinicize Viets.
  4. E

    Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

    Japan is in decline.
  5. E

    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    For 40 ships to be around them they were probably extensively warned...yet they didn't listen...
  6. E

    US Protactionism: America confirms duties on steel pipes from Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand

    Next year Vietnam and China will have FTA, trade between them will be bigger.
  7. E

    China fighters in "dangerous" brush with Japanese planes !

    These Japanese...incredible how they act exactly like Filipinos and Viets, always lying and saying they are victims but always doing dirty moves.
  8. E

    *** Vietnam Retreats from Oil Rig in South China Sea ***

    Zero leverage...investors invest in Vietnam because they can import supplies from China and re export to USA and Europe... if China stop exports to Vietnam then nobody will invest in Vietnam...
  9. E

    Anti-China Self-Immolation in Vietnam

    Vietnam is really that desperate... encouraging its people to burn them self to death so that foreign newspapers would talk about it...
  10. E

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    PLEASE do it. I want to see that before I die. :D :D
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    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    China to Pay for Russian Gas in US Dollars – Russian Energy Minister | Russia | RIA Novosti
  12. E

    US must 'get used to China's rise'

    ^ Disagree with you.
  13. E

    Vietnam threatens legal action against China

    What the hell is that ? Never heard of it before...damn...
  14. E

    Taipei sends delegation to seek compensation from Vietnam

    As I already said, Vietnam is imperialist but weak, always crying but always making dirty moves, like India and Philippines.
  15. E

    Taipei sends delegation to seek compensation from Vietnam

    If China must give Islands to Vietnam because of French occupation, then Vietnam should give some land to combodia. :) Actually what Vietnam cry for, they do 1000x worse to Combodia and Laos.
  16. E

    Vietnam threatens legal action against China

    Philippines and Vietnam are notorious land grabbers, of course they get along well. Best friends. But still their added GDP is so small...by the way...looking at some statistics... Pinoys are doing much better than Viets ! How is that possible ? It's like India doing better than China => Never...
  17. E

    Vietnam threatens legal action against China

    ROFL Realpolitik...fantasypolitik...
  18. E

    Thailand - Army declares martial law

    Its shinawatra family vs who ? The army ?
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