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  1. E

    Will China Export The Next Chernobyl?

    Gordon Chang.
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    Japan bans child pornography possession

    Fucking disgusting.
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    China Economy Forum

    Next step : India ?
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    When Japan and China were friends

    Sino Japan relations were good when Sino US relations were good.
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    South China Sea Forum

    ROFL, international law.
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    Japan to loan ¥5 billion to Pakistan

    So it's about 49m$ ?
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    Japan Bolsters Its Military Spending

    Inflation and devaluation.
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    Life About Indian Chinese In India

    Anyone heard about that guy killed in India just because he looked like a Chinese. He was Indian and not even ethnic Han.
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    Remembrance:Tiananmen Square Anniversary

    Little incident hyped up as the most outrageous thing ever to happen.
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    Beijing, New Delhi poised for closer ties - China daily

    China is open about border disputes, it's India who don't want to make any compromise. India is imperialist. I don't what Modi will do, hopefully he is less stupid that his predecessor.
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    Japan investors remain confident about Thailand despite coup

    Military Aid (very small...) concelation took effect but numerous other aid that are not specified in the US law were not canceled. That shows the US were not that angry...it was just for PR purposes. The US use Thai airport and port to conduct various military missions. You should learn to...
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    Japan investors remain confident about Thailand despite coup

    Its US law to stop military aid in case of an army coup. In 2006 too they stopped aid and acted like they were unfavorable... wikileaks reveled US ambassador was informed and was ok with it weeks before the coup. But yeah I don't really know...just wondering, my sushi friend. :D
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    Japan's Abe Takes Step to Enhance Military's Role

    Chinese territory. ;)
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    Japan investors remain confident about Thailand despite coup

    I read the junta is close to the US, don't know if its true.
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    Vietnam Economy Forum

    I fully support any Vietnamese move to stop trade with China. It will show how much China is important to Viet economy. I fully support any Vietnamese move to stop trade with China. It will show how much China is important to Viet economy.
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    Japan's Abe Takes Step to Enhance Military's Role

    Viets and Japs should learn what UNCLOS is before crying China violate it.
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    South China Sea Forum

    "Vietnam must do what we have to do" Cry for help ? Piss your pants ? Defect to Switzerland ? Cry forever like you, blobfish defence minister ?
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    South China Sea Forum

    Go on Vietnam !
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    The Chinese 'Invasion' Of Siberia Is A Myth

    The soviet Union the only big power who was OK with a united China with Tibet and Xinjiang, other powers wanted to cut China into several parts. KMT are acting like they are patriotic now, but they would have sold the country in less than 10years. You can say what you want about Mao, but he had...
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