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  1. Panther 57

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    It may be a drag chute confused with parachute. So far news is declaring 5 causalities including two pilots.
  2. Panther 57

    Exclusive Pictures of Karachi's Metro Bus Service

    Thanks to this mafia Karachi's MT Plan is on papers since last couple of decades. Now it will suffer at the hands of Metro Mafia. What Karachi needs is an MRT system and underground trains. Couple of projects like KRTC and Green buses have already failed to provide needed support.
  3. Panther 57

    Karachi to be shut down if nationality not granted to MQM Chief

    unfortunately tax payers are ignored and are made to queue up for CNIC, Passports, etc; and in addition to that grease the palm as well.
  4. Panther 57

    Pakistan Civil Aviation | Information & News.

    They should because it is the premium class which brings them the profit. Yes I certainly disagree to gratis upgrading for untouchables. Those who pay should be given the benefit. One should bear in mind that premium class is more than twice economy. As regard spacing of seats in economy is...
  5. Panther 57

    'Watching Geo is Haraam,' Sunni Ittehad Council issues fatwa

    Yes all such channels should be reigned.
  6. Panther 57

    'Watching Geo is Haraam,' Sunni Ittehad Council issues fatwa

    A blessing in disguise, its good to see all sects on one platform. Khara Sach With Mubashir Lucman - 15th May 2014
  7. Panther 57

    Karachi to be shut down if nationality not granted to MQM Chief

    no possibility can be ruled out. MI6 wants to eliminate him and blame goes to you know whom, as usual. All commotion in Karachi, economic activity comes to a halt. Billions of property destroyed. They shed their liability and we pay the bill. lol
  8. Panther 57

    Karachi to be shut down if nationality not granted to MQM Chief

    As I said in one of my earlier post on the forum. MQM is the only party which has acumen to emerge as a national party. It is very well organised and majority is educated. However, political wing has lesser weight then other. If it can remove few hindrances it will emerge as a national party...
  9. Panther 57

    Pakistan Civil Aviation | Information & News.

    I expected that.
  10. Panther 57

    Pakistan Civil Aviation | Information & News.

    I dont know from where you are taking this figure. I am travelling dubai almost every month.
  11. Panther 57

    Pakistan Civil Aviation | Information & News.

    Exactly, emirates is strengthening their network. most of the places Emirates is operating its aircraft and only those infrequent destinations where passenger load is less, they give it to other airlines. Code sharing is done to increase customer network rather then transferring customers to...
  12. Panther 57

    Pakistan Civil Aviation | Information & News.

    I am a frequent traveler and use all three; therefore, am in a better position to assess services of airlines. PIA may be having 60% share, not because of service but because of number of flights to domestic destinations per day. I also use PIA when i want to have a fall back. Emirates flies...
  13. Panther 57

    Pakistan Civil Aviation | Information & News.

    Question is why it is uneconomical. Cutting down routes and yet increasing staff is not the solution. PIA has to increase the route, reduce staff and upgrade their services. Looking at local travel I would rate Shaheen #1 Air blue #2 PIA #3 If such is the situation then PIA has to rethink...
  14. Panther 57

    MQM will stay away from agitation which may derail the democratic process

    Democratic way is very simple. Sit in till 35 punctures are evaluated and declared invalid seats. When PML N will lose 35 votes. Now you need only a few to turn sides and PM will face vote of no confidence. Who else can take vote of confidence after that. In this situation there will be no...
  15. Panther 57

    Whether an Army officer can marry a foreign national?

    Subject to clearance by HO.
  16. Panther 57

    MQM will stay away from agitation which may derail the democratic process

    I think this is the best occasion to get rid of goons in a democratic way. PA will not interfere, but the system will still change.
  17. Panther 57

    Pakistan | Roads, Motorways & Highway Infrastructure.

    All these roads are useless unless commuters abide by driving rules and ethics. In 1988 I realised that Karachi had four lane dual carriage roads against two lanes in london 2 lane single carriage. USA inter city was 3 lane dual carriage and down town 2 lanes single carriage. If we were short...
  18. Panther 57

    Pakistani Fashion

    Is this Pakistani fashion (fashion according to Pakistan culture) or fashion which designers profess is Pakistani.
  19. Panther 57

    1 Billion a Day

    If this increase is by increasing the tax net then it is good but if this increase is by increasing the tax on existing tax payers then it is bad. In our case it is the later. What i foresee suggests that house holds should switch to solar hybrid systems. It may have high installation cost...
  20. Panther 57

    1 Billion a Day

    Simple example A has to pay 100 to B B has to pay 100 to C C has to pay 100 to A A does not pay so the other :)
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