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  1. Panther 57

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    There is no bailing out from Mushak as pilots dont wear parachute in it. Only way is force land and egress.
  2. Panther 57

    PML-N Political Desk

    History suggest that PML N has been taxing the salaried class and burdening common man. This is what they are doing now. Yes, unpopular decision, which may not be difficult to take and implement, but a good leader takes difficult decision that are also difficult to implement. The day PML N...
  3. Panther 57

    PML-N Political Desk

    Very correct analysis. Corruption is there in every part of the world. It is the quantum of corruption which defines bad or good governance. Under world is everywhere, but law enforcing agencies ensure that even after taking their due share, mafia remains under control. Food for though for...
  4. Panther 57

    Pervez Musharraf | A Great Soldier of Pakistan

    It could not have been defined better.
  5. Panther 57

    NADRA developed National Identity Card system in Nigeria

    They went into Africa more than 3 years a go. I appreciate what they did.
  6. Panther 57

    PDF Color Scheme

    As so many people including our friends from neighbouring countries have pointed out that PDF is no more green or words to that effect, Iwould be worth while considering a shade of Pakistan green colour as theme.
  7. Panther 57

    Pervez Musharraf | A Great Soldier of Pakistan

    Is the country been governed by the Law? How many articles are being followed in true letter in spirit except for number of seats in NA and PA.
  8. Panther 57

    Pervez Musharraf | A Great Soldier of Pakistan

    I also don't to see him elections for NA. He has been President of Pakistan, if at all he wants to contest he should contest for the same position. Joining NA, even as Prime Minister does not match his stature.
  9. Panther 57

    PDF Color Scheme

    I am sure new setup will have more and better features. Colour scheme is soft more appealing to eyes. As I am still used to looking at the old format, i guess it will take a while for me to get used to. PDF team all best for this new look.
  10. Panther 57

    Pervez Musharraf | A Great Soldier of Pakistan

    Incidentally, these lower ranks are more educated and mentally superior to those sitting in the house. I in no way favour military rule, yet when they come into power they meet both end needs. Their primary role is never neglected, rather it is looked after in much better way. House in...
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