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  1. GeHAC

    1 in 5 Homes in China Is Empty, Survey Finds

    Massive urbanization,little horribleo_O
  2. GeHAC

    Rising China military force, PLA Army/Navy/Airforce Power pics

    Nope,the fleet of modernized warships is almost the same size as JMSDF.:coffee:
  3. GeHAC

    Rising China military force, PLA Army/Navy/Airforce Power pics

    Marines?The camouflage looks like Army's amphibious mechanized force.Nice tanks,the fire control system much better than 96A.
  4. GeHAC

    CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    If the carrier's engine is awesome,catapult system is not so important for jets(wind speed ≥30 knots steadily) It's awesome enough if 001A is a modernized Kitty Hawk class CV.Hope to see our nitmiz CVN before 2020
  5. GeHAC

    Filipino WW2 rape victims demand justice from Japan

    Make more valuable comments dude
  6. GeHAC

    Will China Export The Next Chernobyl?

    ACP 1000 is the third gen pressured water reactor,read more technical information about it.ACP1000 reactor is able to exhaust waste heat automatically without external energy.
  7. GeHAC

    Envoy nominee open to lifting arms ban to Vietnam

    Placing your hopes for defending your country on foreigners of no importance,lol.I begin to feel pity for the viets.
  8. GeHAC

    China 2nd oil rig on the way to XiSha /Paracel islands water

    We‘re planting oil rigs in our own water why there are viets here?Anyway good move.
  9. GeHAC

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    We had built a strong fleet with SSKs.We need more SSNs:china: Hope our new SSN would be superior than Akula II or 688I
  10. GeHAC

    South China Sea Forum

  11. GeHAC

    G7 'deeply concerned' at tensions in East, South China Seas

    The group of 7 industrialized nations without the largest industrialized nation is a joke though we have no interest. :coffee:
  12. GeHAC

    China's Picturesque Tibet Autonomous Region: News & Images

    Nope,I think Jiangxi Province(where I live) is one of the poorest though the environment is good
  13. GeHAC

    Remembrance:Tiananmen Square Anniversary

    There's no so called massacre.No need for more comment. My deskmate's father was one of those student,he could prove that.
  14. GeHAC

    China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam

    No need to post more millitary deployments here.We must regard these actions as necessities.
  15. GeHAC

    Japan Defence Forum

    If threads of this kind could be sticky,I could type many better ones
  16. GeHAC

    Japan Defence Forum

    JMSDF major warships latest deployment Fleet Escort Force Escort Flotilla 1 (Yokosuka) Escort Squadron 1 (181日向172岛风101村雨107雷) Escort Squadron 5 (173金刚115秋月108曙109有明) Escort Flotilla 2 (Sasebo) Escort Squadron 2 (144鞍马178足柄102春雨154天雾) Escort Squadron 6 (176鸟海116照月110高波111大波) Escort Flotilla 3...
  17. GeHAC

    Japan Defence Forum

    JMSDF's ASW and AAW capabilities are really good(beyond most navys).To be honest,the status of JMSDF really suit its positioning. PLAN should strengthen its ASW capabilities though holding a totally different positioning. BTW,JMSDF is awesome!!!So dont make any comment,WE NEED MORE BUDGET!!!Let...
  18. GeHAC

    Japan PM says will take time to provide patrol ships to Vietnam

    Viets are showing off their new toyso_O,lol
  19. GeHAC

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    A little bit later than expectation.DDG153 & DDG173 still have a chance to be in service this year
  20. GeHAC

    Rising China military force, PLA Army/Navy/Airforce Power pics

    The J-10 project officially approved in 1984.That's a J-13 leaked model,the project was interrupted for lacking funds.It looks closer to a F16
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