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  1. Aramsogo

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    India will refuse to deliver mangos to the US embassy. Then they will shutdown unintelligible Indian callcenter where an Indian dude with thick accent tells you his name is Bob. They will then threaten to stop writing the world's most retarded computer code for Americans. Did I miss anything??
  2. Aramsogo

    India spanks USA over diplomat arrest issue !

    Let's see: America went to the moon without Indians Invented the semiconductor without Indians Built the world's largest computer company IBM and Apple without Indians Cured polio without Indians Created the 747 Jumbo Jet without Indians Created the Super aircraft carrier without Indians...
  3. Aramsogo

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    If you are wealthy or a diplomat in America, the legal system typically treats you like a saint. This is actually true in all countries. This Indian diplomat got vaginally violated because she is an Indian criminal. Typically if you are rich and important, even if you kill and injure a bunch...
  4. Aramsogo

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    ^^^^ I'm not even going to read your link. If you think strip searching 85 years old women is the norm in America, you need help. Keep posting extreme examples though, they are funny. What a weak, lame, un-funny comeback devoid of any intelligence or even the slightest bit of wit. Typical...
  5. Aramsogo

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Indians need to You need some situational logic. For white collar or low level crimes, they don't need to strip search or cavity search, especially if it's just for a booking. In a booking, the accused is let go very quickly (exactly the way I described) with bail or released on own...
  6. Aramsogo

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    IndoCarib, if you don't stop for cops in the US. You may get beaten, Chinese or white. It doesn't matter. That's called resisting. And cops in America don't F around with that. If you don't resist, they treat you exactly the way I described. Unless you are Indian, who nobody likes. The...
  7. Aramsogo

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Indian dude, was the Chinese embassy in America??? I said Chinese in America. Read! Indian dude. The Chinese embassy in America is an IM Pei creation that's very avantgarde and in the very best part of town and one of the best in America. Nobody bombed it. To us Americans, Indians...
  8. Aramsogo

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    What American pretends to like Indians?? LOL. That's only your deluded Indian press. You are right, they don't even treat non-Diplomat Chinese this way in America. No way.
  9. Aramsogo

    Recent Pattern of Indian Consuls in New York allegedly abusing Maids

    God I miss Nixon/Kissinger who just hated Indians (and with good reason). Hope the next US pres is like Nixon/Kissinger.
  10. Aramsogo

    India spanks USA over diplomat arrest issue !

    First Singapore riots. Now this. Indians breaking the laws of their host countries. Let them stay in India and deport the ones already here.
  11. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    I changed to another image hosting service. How do you copy the results when the App doesn't post the answers or tell you what you got right or wrong??? I'm Taiwanese-American, but 100% Han Chinese. Sorry, don't know any CCP members that's part of retarded paranoia.
  12. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    Here's the screen shot. I claimed 138 to 142. This test is off by 2 points and I was doing this from work today while multi-tasking. Also very possible my IQ is dropping a little with age and being out of school now for a number of years. Either way, my point is the same. Singapore would be...
  13. Aramsogo

    China's moon landing: the space race with India

    ISRO working very hard on technology to make the moon a giant open air toilet for Indian astronauts in 2020. It's not an easy problem to solve on the moon.
  14. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    It's not from Stormfront. Indians love to cry racism against their dark brown skin. I see that you are in Australia. Are you Puneet Puneet?? What part of my sentence "This guys tries to blame Chinese too, but we all know it's 85 IQ Indians" does your Indian mind and reading comprehension...
  15. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    ^^^^ Read the comment section of your own Time article where everybody just makes fun of author for blaming china for a test the OECD administers. Also, Shanghai is no where near the smartest part of China. Not on Chinese national college entrance exams by far. Indian IQ in India is clearly...
  16. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    Citibank had an Indian CEO named Vikram Pandit. He moved a lot of jobs to Indians, he did such a horrible job for Citi that they had to fire him. In America, we just roll our eyes at all the bullcrap coming from the Indian workers. My department has no Indians and we will never hire those 85...
  17. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    We mostly get the "educated" Indians in the US. "Educated" being all relative, but even then it's no picnic. I can't even begin to imagine having to deal with the uneducated Indians like the Singaporeans get.
  18. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    Singapore’s High Commissioner to India writes to Sun TV on false report of riot A A+ 10 Dec 2013 22:57 SINGAPORE: Singapore's High Commissioner to India has written to Sun TV Network regarding its erroneous reporting of Sunday's riot in Little India. High Commissioner Lim Thuan Kuan said Sun...
  19. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    If you are skilled and go to Singapore with a full ex-pat package, life is pretty awesome. Singapore is a fun place for bankers. If you are unskilled you will be treated just like unskilled foreign labor in the US, UK, ME and everywhere else in the world. You expect Singapore roll out the red...
  20. Aramsogo

    Riots in Singapore

    Indians love playing the race card just like our blacks in the US. Singaporeans turned a scheettie island that even Malays didn't want into the Switzerland of Asia in 2 generations. They are not about to hand it over to Indians to turn it into Delhi. Expect fewer Indians in the future in...
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