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  1. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    The west wanted Ukraine and now there is a price to pay. The west will not sit by and let Ukrainian gas supply get shut off, that would anger the small western minority in Ukraine that illegally took power in Kiev. Do you think that a Ukraine with no stable gas supply will ever join the EU or...
  2. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    My family was never in the communist party. But please do keep calling Russia pathetic because the last time i checked Saudi Arabia is a beacon of freedom :lol:
  3. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    Or you should go back and read your own post. Let me put in bluntly for you since you have a difficult time comprehending the English language. On multiple occasions you have responded to my posts with off topic and simply incoherent replies. Understand?
  4. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    You don't seem very coherent, are you okay?
  5. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    My flags were deleted when the forum underwent changes and i have been too lazy to reactivate. As for the topic, i know the topic, do you? Because as i recall last time you were talking about Narnia.
  6. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    For Ukraine's gas debt. Do you believe that that all of the US politicians and Jo Biden's visit is only for moral support? The US throws billions of dollars to countries just to keep those countries in its sphere of influence. Ukraine is strategically for more important to the US and NATO then...
  7. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    The US pays Israel billions of dollars a year not to mention the billions that have gone to countries like Pakistan and Egypt. The US does this to keep those countries in its sphere of influence. Ukraine is arguably strategically more important to the US and NATO then any of the other countries...
  8. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    Again you seem to think your opinions matter or that your opinions reflect US foreign policy. I can tell you why you should care, because it will be your tax dollars that go to Russia to pay for Ukraine's debt. Again, who is getting hosed?
  9. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    Your opinions don't matter. As i recall you said Russia got hosed, my rebuttal was that whoever ends up paying Ukraine's 34 billion dollar debt is the one that will get hosed. I could care less about your ancestry or your feelings, point is someone will be paying Russia 34 billion dollars and it...
  10. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    This is ironic statement coming from a Saudi considering the backwards society Saudi Arabia is.
  11. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    So you don't even deny that the G-8 suspension was illegal and a double standards, yet you are making a big fuss about a propaganda station being shut down. Right now Russia is demanding Ukraine pay something to the tune of 34 billion dollars for gas which it has yet to pay a cent this year...
  12. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    Our bearded friend @boomslang has a distorted view of double standards. Look at all of the businesses deals and illegal acts the west has committed recently. Western Businesses have been closing doors in Crimea, freezing Visa bank transactions, refusing to cooperate in the ISS and illegally...
  13. ptldM3

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    You won't answer because you can't. Auxiliary ships comprise tankers, tug boast, salvage vessels (repair boats, cranes), resupply vessels, barges, rescue vessels, medical vessels, ect, ect, ect. Now enlighten me on what logistics i am ignorant on because i see a pattern here, every debate i...
  14. ptldM3

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    You have been claiming many things such as being in the Turkish military, you then used those weak credentials, if they are even real, to make claims that are way above your pay grade. The above quote is a lot of nothing but ranting. I brought up the logistics situation in Georgia as an...
  15. ptldM3

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    Stop talking nonsense and pretending you are an expert. One of the decisive factors in the Georgian victory was the logistics capabilities particularly the heavy transport aircraft which were able to overwhelm the Georgian military with around the clock sorties in which soldiers and equipment...
  16. ptldM3

    Russia has now 146 Million People

    Do you ever read your own post and stop to think about how childish you sound?
  17. ptldM3

    Will 'go to the hilt' against Russia for Ukraine military incursion: US

    Do you even know what a 'match rifle' is? And one famous AK platform is the red jacket AK-47 which was converted into a long range rifle. Other then that you can find countless companies selling machined receivers, custom barrels, built in suppressors, ect. Clearly you either never shot an AK...
  18. ptldM3

    Will 'go to the hilt' against Russia for Ukraine military incursion: US

    Apparently you did not even read my post, so once again, the Soviets airlifted much of the men and equipment into Afghanistan. The Russians regularly airlift damaged chinooks, humvees ect in Afghanistan and the Russians even airlift American equipment to and from Afghanistan and the United...
  19. ptldM3

    Will 'go to the hilt' against Russia for Ukraine military incursion: US

    Some quality AK-47s/AK-74s have been documented to shoot less then a 1 inch MOA at 100 yards. Most AK will do about 3 MOA depending on shooter and conditions but i have personally shot much tighter then 3 MO as have many other people. Just because you cant shoot does not mean others can. And AKs...
  20. ptldM3

    Will 'go to the hilt' against Russia for Ukraine military incursion: US

    FYI, much of the supplies that went to afghanistan was airlifted, and yes Russia can easily transport heavy equipment around the world, they do have one of the largest fleet of strategic airlift fleets in the world and Russian companies have regularly flew out damaged Chinooks and other NATO...
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