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  1. ptldM3

    Pentagon Moves to Block Russian Spy Plane in American Skies

    That is some twisted logic there. The "Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. military and American intelligence agencies" were in the process of breaking the Open Sky treaty by denying Russian aircraft to fly over US airspace. Russia was well aware of this and it was the US that was denied...
  2. ptldM3

    NATO to use Russian rifles

    Lets not forget Austria. I think only fanboys would label something as "the best", people with knowledge of firearms would never be shortsighted and bias to label something as the best. There are a lot of countries that manufacture quality firearms, and there is no such thing as "the best", it's...
  3. ptldM3

    NATO to use Russian rifles

    Are you talking Iraq or Yugoslavia, or Vietnam, Korea, Granada? Or the dozen other countries that have been invaded :lol: Show me something new, again in case you missed it i was talking mainland Ukraine.
  4. ptldM3

    NATO to use Russian rifles

    I'm aware that he stated there were Russian troops in Crimea, i was talking about in east Ukraine.
  5. ptldM3

    NATO to use Russian rifles

    Pull up a quote where Russia stated they have troops inside Ukraine.
  6. ptldM3

    NATO to use Russian rifles

    They are Ukrainian, not Russian despite the propaganda you are spoon fed. The people in east Ukraine have risen up against an illegal government, it really is silly to start blaming Russia when things don't go according to plan.
  7. ptldM3

    Putins' Lies, Exposed !

    But how are the Maiden activists in Kiev exempt from being labeled militants or extremists? They may have been peaceful at first but their actions progressed quickly into burning police officers with molotov cocktails, burning building, beating both police and opposition and storming government...
  8. ptldM3

    Putins' Lies, Exposed !

    Perhaps the majority of the protesters in Kiev were not armed with firearms (although a fair share were) they were still 100 times more savage then the protesters in the east, and the similarity is that many eastern protesters are not armed, the majority of the people demonstrating in eastern...
  9. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    Because it signed a contracted for fuel deliveries, fuel that it used and fuel that it has not payed for. It's that simple. Gazprom CEO has stated that reverse flow is physically not possible. Lets assume that some other method is used and Ukraine receives Russian gas via other European...
  10. ptldM3

    Putins' Lies, Exposed !

    Obviously you have not seen Right Sector, they are also equipped with latest uniforms as well as firearms. So is Russia now funding Right Sector? :lol: or is the west funding Right Sector? Which it denies...catch 22 situation, if Right Sector well armed and equipped the west claims they are not...
  11. ptldM3

    Ukraine Calls for U.N Troops

    Kiev is were Russians originated. Most Russian speakers in Ukraine are native to the region, the Ukrainian language is basically Russian with Polish due to Polish rule in the region.
  12. ptldM3

    Putins' Lies, Exposed !

    Yep scores of GRU captured in Ukraine. Very reliable sources coming from people that claim the protesters in east Ukraine are wearing the "exact same" uniforms as soldiers in Crimea, i don't recall Russian soldiers wearing Ukrainian uniforms, motorcycle helmets or civilian cloths. But hey, since...
  13. ptldM3

    Putins' Lies, Exposed !

    You should be looking for someone in the state department that has better investigative skills. Quick condemn Russia for invading Somalia, some people with AK-74s have been spotted, definitely GRU commandos.
  14. ptldM3

    Putins' Lies, Exposed !

    In other news Somali pirates use AK-74's, according to the state department they must be secret Russian GRU commandos :lol: Also according to the state department this kid is also a GRU commando. He is wearing a St George ribbon. 00a-st-george-ribbon-2012.jpg
  15. ptldM3

    Putins' Lies, Exposed !

    This has been laughed out in past days. And it's not facts but lies, very bad ones at that. The article claims "fact" that because AK-74s are present which is one of the primary arms of the Ukrainian military that it must be Russians :lol: Orange ribbons too, that is lame. Also its a fat lie...
  16. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    Keep up with the news, Ukraine already got an "aid package" from the US and EU with more coming. One of the most urgent issues for Ukraine is to pay its gas bill otherwise Ukrainian industries as well as people are left with nothing. The EU and the US made it clear they want Ukraine, they...
  17. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    We all laugh at fox news for its bias views and sheer none sense but when members of the UN blatantly lie to the entire world and make grave accusations that can lead to war and further sanctions then a line has to be draw. But we are used to western lies like weapons of mass destruction. Today...
  18. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    I'm well, thank you. I have not had too much time lately to be as active on the board as i have been but i'm enjoying the time i have.
  19. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    If i wanted a good laugh i would look at your 17 trillion dollar debt and Obama's foreign policy. :lol:
  20. ptldM3

    Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

    Fox news is that you :lol:
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