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  1. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    So you support your own people getting murdered? I know what is coming, those were Russian agents that burned in the building right? Am willing to bet you don't know a lick of Ukrainian either.
  2. ptldM3

    Two Ukrainian Mi-24s shot down by MANPADS

    So who are the candidates that they should vote for? The one that called for genocide against her own people as well as Russians or do people vote for radicals that have openly used racist terms against Russians and jews? Not to mention trying to ban the native language of many ukrainians living...
  3. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    You don't have to post an address to a rival military forum all you have to do is post the link to the video, which is probably a youtube video. They were innocent because they never killed anyone yet were murdered themselves. Those people are also anything but traitors. They are anti...
  4. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    Why is it that Turkish members always lick NATO boots and jump into conversations where they they no knowledge and demonstrate inferior intellectual aptitude. Not to mention half of their arguments are off topic and incoherent.
  5. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    It's common courtesy and professional forum etiquette to provide a link, not only for me but for everyone else so that they can see for themselves that you are being truthful. So kindly provide the video for everyone to see. I am talking about the forum. Many here including you have...
  6. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    Are you suggesting that they threw molotov cocktails at themselves? I would like to see this video if you can provide a link. As i have mentioned previously there is video of molotov cocktails being thrown at the building. If that is not enough there is pictures and video of pro Kiev criminals...
  7. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    Are you joking? There is video of of Pro Kiev/Right Sector throwing molotov Cocktails at the building. The anti government protesters were attacked first. The argument of the anti government activists wielding AKs is highly overblown. All it would take is 1 guy with an AK to kills dozens of...
  8. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    But it's not only Iraq, NATO has been involved in dozens of conflicts. Interesting that you distance yourself from the Iraq invasion but at the same time blame Russia and use derogatory terms towards Russia and its people. Lets me ask you this, how many Russians today are responsible for the...
  9. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    Western leaders gave the protesters the blessing to continue their violent ways, not to mention the propaganda that was spread to encourage more protests against the government. When was there ever a vote on that? Most of Ukraine's population resides in the east and most of the people do not...
  10. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    The pro Kiev rioters attacked a "pro Russian" camp. The "innocent" pro Kiev protesters were shooting at people trying to escape the flames and smoke. Western propaganda is working in overdrive. The "pro Russians" are more anti government then they are pro Russian. Is that an EU saying or...
  11. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    This makes no sense. The western leaders such as nuland, Kerry, Bidden, MCcaine, and the CIA director all visited Ukraine and encouraged the violence. No, but NATO and the EU tried to annex all of Ukraine, this included taking control of Ukraine's banks, setting their policies and making them...
  12. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    Just like the peaceful Maiden protesters with molotov cocktails, shot guns, rifles, pistols, bats, rods, knives, chains, ect The hundreds of police officers that were badly injured and killed were injured and killed by who and with what? This would be a great question to ask the western...
  13. ptldM3

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    There is nothing brave about burning people alive because they do not do not support a fake puppet government that toppled a democratically elected government with violence. Lets also drop the propaganda, they were Ukrainians. I still find it disgusting that no western leaders have condemned...
  14. ptldM3

    Putin Detains O.S.C.E. Observers

    How does this prove anything? Putin asking the self appointed mayor to release the hostages somehow means that the hostage takers were taking orders from Moscow? In that case the hostage takers must also be taking orders from Washington. Your arguments are not very well thought out...
  15. ptldM3

    Eastern Ukraine insurgents identified on VKontakte

    A little slow on the news? Many of those pictures have proven to be fake, many of the pictures were "alleged" to be taken in Russia but that was a lie, they were taken in Ukraine and even the State Department was forced to admit it after it used someones instegram account without permission...
  16. ptldM3

    Putin Detains O.S.C.E. Observers

    The government never lost legitimacy it was forced to flee by a bunch of anarchists and radicals when they resorted to killings, beatings, kidnappings and storming government buildings. There was never a popular vote by the people, and the impeachment was due to armed gangs storming and...
  17. ptldM3

    Putin Detains O.S.C.E. Observers

    What conspiracy theories? You are the one regurgitating the State Departments lies. Like i said there is no single shred of proof of Russian involvement. Most conspiracy theories have been debunked. Quote specific examples, i will be more then glad to see which of my comments are not true...
  18. ptldM3

    Putin Detains O.S.C.E. Observers

    Like the events that happened in Kiev were any more legal. And the reason Crimea was annexed was because NATO's plan for Ukraine to become a member. Now the conspiracy theories are getting out of hand, everyone knows the state department put out some bogus accusations that are not even...
  19. ptldM3

    Putin Detains O.S.C.E. Observers

    Better then setting police officers on fire as well as buildings which was shamelessly endorsed by the White House. The illegal overthrow of the Ukrainian government isn't going to plan Obama.
  20. ptldM3

    Putin Detains O.S.C.E. Observers

    The guys in Crimea were obviously Russian, the guys in east Ukraine are old to middle age men, have mostly miss matching weapons and uniforms. Again you have zero proof that they are Russian, so if anyone is foolish it's the person that believes FOXs news and company as well as the US State...
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