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  1. ptldM3

    Russian media:J20's stealth capability is far better than F-35 and pakfa

    So what does the price disparity between the F-35 and F22 have to do with materials? Or their effect on stealth? And The F-35 is 197-237 million depending on model, and the F-22 is 150 million, those are official number, so who is the retard :lol: It’s common knowledge that you...
  2. ptldM3

    Russian media:J20's stealth capability is far better than F-35 and pakfa

    Some random Russian webpage that copies Copp's verbal spewage is the proof. This is the same guy that claimed that the SU-35 is beter than the F-35, so if the pak-fa is a quanum leap over the SU-35, than where does that put the J-20? According to him the maneuverability and 'kenetics' from the...
  3. ptldM3

    Russian media:J20's stealth capability is far better than F-35 and pakfa

    Post a source for that claim last time i checked the F-35's materials were the most advanced materials available, and they were very expensive, the only reason that the materials came out to be 'cheap' was because the manufacturing process reduced the price. Than again i mentioned this to you...
  4. ptldM3

    Russian media:J20's stealth capability is far better than F-35 and pakfa

    First Russian media is garbage that can not be trusted than when it suits Chinese agenda’s it’s credible--of course. Give it a rest and stop pounding your chest with the same fan boys claims. The SU-30 is not the pak-fa. Most of those features are ridiculous, and many can be...
  5. ptldM3

    India and Russia going to sign biggest-ever defence deal worth $ 35 billion

    Sukhoi test pilot, Bogdan, has already stated that the pak-fa can outperform even the SU-35s which is probably by far the most maneuverable Flanker to date.
  6. ptldM3

    Russian Economy almost the same size like Germany according to Worldbank

    True, Russia is an oil and gas exporter, it’s also a large exporter of timber, seafood and so fourth. The point is that all that makes up a small percentage of the total GDP. As is Russia. German is one of Russia’s largest importers, in both energy as well as products, so many...
  7. ptldM3

    Russia will Launch the First of Six Submarines for the Vietnam Navy

    That is if the submarines are equiped with the same electronics, which is unlikely. Much of the equipment that China has received from Russia has been specifically made for China, an example is SU-30's, they have many differences compared to other SU-30's. So if China knows the SU-30MKK it does...
  8. ptldM3

    India and Russia going to sign biggest-ever defence deal worth $ 35 billion

    This puts the critic's claims about India's contribution as only a financial one. It will be interesting to see how the aircraft evolves with Indian input.
  9. ptldM3

    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    What has his country of origin or the state of his countries economy have to do with mission planing?
  10. ptldM3

    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    Don't kid yourself, Chinese soldiers ambushed Russian borderguards, some of which were murdered in cold blood. Russia beat back Chinese troops on Damansky Island and for good measures bombarded Chinese troop formations on Chinese soil. The result was that the Soviet Union still controlled...
  11. ptldM3

    Which is the most Aesthetic 4th Gen Fighter Plane in your opinion?

    Maybe old Migs flown by Arabs. You surley have not heard of Soviet aces. In any case you're Turkish, you guys can't make anything. And how many of those Russian jets were modern? And how good was the pilots? Most modern Russian aircraft flown by good pilots are on equal footing. The...
  12. ptldM3

    Russia's Medvedev hints of Chinese threat to Far East

    A lot of the people, Korean or Chinese are native to the area, others including Chinese do sometimes migrate but a lot of the people that do migrate come to live in the large cities (Moscow, St Petersburg, ect) where the climate is mild the living standards are good. Cities such as Moscow have...
  13. ptldM3

    Russia's Medvedev hints of Chinese threat to Far East

    My old town had a large Asian population, mostly Korean. Don't know much about the Chinese population since it's hard to tell the difference between Korean and Chinese. I haven’t been there since the 1980's, so I don't know what has happened since. If legal immigrants can bring some...
  14. ptldM3

    PAK FA gets AESA and production to begin by 2015

    I'm suprised that the Russians trust the Chinese after so much blatant theft, copying, and violating contracts.
  15. ptldM3

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    A cone has no moving parts, so there is nothing that will cause an increase in RCS. All of the parts/retractable mechanisms that control the cone are housed inside the aircraft. Your source was talking about an inlet ramp, you than tried to claim that the inlet cone has moving parts and that it...
  16. ptldM3

    NYTimes: Russian Booster Rocket Fails to Deliver Satellites (Again?)

    And China has no resources. With severe overpopulation the demand for food and oil is hard to meet. As a result, China has to import basic survival commodities. Is it any surprise that Chinese fisherman are illegally fishing in Russian, Korean, and Vietnamese, territorial waters? Too much of a...
  17. ptldM3

    NYTimes: Russian Booster Rocket Fails to Deliver Satellites (Again?)

    I hate to burst your bubble but my source has a detailed description of all the rocket failures China has had. In other words you can always verify. And just because your source has the words NASA does not make it reputable. It is not actually NASA. It comes from space launch...
  18. ptldM3

    FSA kills Russian general in Syria

    Turns out to be a fake story. The FSA should stick to what it does best, murder police officer and fellow service men, beat up people that don't agree with you and make videos where they desecrate dead bodies. Like I said in other countries people admire their soldiers not murder them. These...
  19. ptldM3

    NYTimes: Russian Booster Rocket Fails to Deliver Satellites (Again?)

    Many of the guys have been banned. Still I find it funny how some members disregard the disparity in launches. Russia has had a string of issues the last couple of years but than again the amount of launches Russia conducts is staggering, Russia still doubles, triples or quadruples the launches...
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